Chapter 13:Let it Go?

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"Did you have fun yesterday?" Julian asked bitterly. I love it when he gets jealous...
"Definitely! Harry Potter movies are the best." I replied with a smile. Julian just rolled his eyes.
"I want to spend some time with you." He plainly stated.
"Where do you wanna go?" I asked.
"Let's go to your house, and the day with your family. No Thomas though." He explained.
"Why not? He's really nice." I said defensively.
"I just don't like him," Julian said crossing his arms.
"You're just jealous." I spat.
"Am not!" He shouted
"Are too!" I said back.
"Are not!" Julian said again.
"Fine don't admit it." Julian scoffed and turned away.
"Is everything alright?" Thomas asked sitting down at our table.
"Just peachy." I spat out rolling my eyes.
"What happened?" He asked as he placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me a smile. I sighed and began to explain.
"Julian wanted to hang out and I wanted to invite you," I said in a low voice realizing how selfish it sounded. Especially since he's my boyfriend...
"I don't want to interfere with your relationship. I already had plans today anyway." Thomas explained.
"You really don't mind?"
"Don't worry about me." Thomas gave me a reassuring smile and I gave him a hug. He tensed up at first but then hugged back... When I let go I saw Thomas frown for a quick second.
"I have to go study for an exam. Nice seeing you two." Thomas said goodbye and left. Where is he going? It's the middle of lunch... I hope he's alright...
"Did he look a bit sad or is it just me?" Julian asked.
"Something was up... I just didn't want to make it worse by asking..." I smiled sadly. Julian put his hand over mine.
"If it makes you feel better, I think he's a great person..." He looked away with some pink on his cheeks. Aww, he's admitting it!
"Anyway, what are the plans for today?" I asked him.
"You want me to walk with you and Auggie home? I'll just call my mom and let her know I'm going over." Julian suggested.
"Sounds good to me!"


The walk to my house was pretty silent at first but Julian abruptly stopped.
"(Y/N) I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so mad over Thomas coming over... I was just sad we didn't spend as much time together as we used to." Julian looked down at his shoes while he apologized.
"I'm sorry too, Julian. I always get jealous over the smallest things." I apologized as well. Julian responded by hugging me.
"I'm still here you know!" Auggie separated us and pulled me by my arm. I just laughed in return.


It turns out Via brought Justin and Miranda over today so it might be a bit packed. Everyone was sitting at the dining table as Julian, Auggie, and I entered.
"Julian! Nice to see you!" Mom welcomed us into the house. We took a seat on the couch and everyone gathered up in the living room.
"(Y/N) did you bring a new friend today?" Miranda asked.
"Yup! This is Julian Albans!" I gestured toward Julian and he waved.
"How about we play a game where we all say something that we've never told anyone before?" Dad suggested.
"That's such a lame game." I groaned.
"We can play Uno after if you want."
"Let's do this!!" I punched the air in victory.
"Any volunteers?" Mom asked.
"Let's get this over with, I actually liked Palpatine. He was a great villain!" Auggie admitted. Julian and I burst out laughing.
"(Y/N) since it's so funny to you, you can go next." Mom said sternly.
"Oh come on! That's no fair! Ugh... Whatever... I secretly memorized all the lyrics to Let it Go and Love Is An Open Door from frozen..." I mumbled but everyone still heard me. This time Auggie and Julian burst out laughing.
"The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen~" Julian started singing Let it Go. Resist it (Y/N)! Don't give in!
"A kingdom of isolation, but it looks like I'm the queen~" Auggie continued. Oh, so it's a duet now.
"The wind is howling like the swirling storm inside~! Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I've tried~" Julian sings out holding a hairbrush like a microphone. Where'd he even get that??? Auggie has one too! What's going on???
"Don't let them in, don't let them see~! Be the good girl you always have to be!" Auggie sings into his "microphone".
"Conceal don't feel, don't let them know~! But now they know~!" Julian sings.
"Let it go~! Let it go~! Can't hold it back anymore~!" Auggie and Julian sing in unison. Not bad.
"The cold never bother me anyway~." They finished their song and passed the hairbrush to me.
"Bet. I'll show you guys some real talent." I was joking of course. Me? Singing well? As if? (Sorry if you can actually sing)
"Shawty's like a melody in my head that I can keep out got me singing like~! Na na na na everyday~! It's like my I-Pod's stuck on replay- replay!" I sing passionately. This song is perfection. I hear Auggie groan as I sing. The game we were playing earlier just stayed forgotten...

3rd Person POV

"I just don't understand! Why are you like this?" Thomas yelled at his father staring down at him.
"Friends are a waste of energy. They just want you for our money." Mr. Anderson strictly spoke to Thomas with his hands behind his back.
"Even if that were true Father, they haven't asked for anything," Thomas spoke timidly. Mr. Anderson turned around and faced the wall.
"Very well. If you care that much. Then it is a weakness. You and your sister are being removed from the school." He turned back around. Thomas' eyes widened then he glared at his father.
"Every-time you see that I'm happy you just have to ruin it! These are my friends! I'm sick of you messing everything up! Mother wouldn't have done this..." Thomas faces the ground.
"Your mother is dead. She isn't coming back. You have until the end of the school year. That is final." Thomas walks to the door of his father's office and looks back one last time.
"I hate you."

Scarlett's POV

"Tom are you okay?" I asked my brother as he walked into the kitchen.
"I'm really not..." Thomas grabbed a glass of water.
"He mentioned mom again, didn't he," I said.
"He did..."
I clenched my fist. That jerk. I took a deep breath to calm myself. I should lighten up the mood.
"You should go visit uncle Isaac! You and I could-"
Uncle Isaac was more of a father to us than our actual dad.
"Yes! That's a brilliant idea! I could take (Y/N) to get some fencing lessons! Oh! Auggie too!" Thomas's face lit up.
There he goes again bringing (Y/N) into everything...
"Thank you Scar." Thomas smiled. As long as he's happy. I smiled back at him.
"Don't call me that Richard," I smirked.
"Let's not start this again." We both burst out laughing. I really love this kid.
"But really, thank you." Thomas hugged me and walked out of the room.
"You're welcome..."

Thomas's POV

My uncle Isaac has been teaching Scarlett and I fencing since we were kids. Scarlett did not really enjoy it but I loved it. It was the one thing I was good at. It made me happy. Now I'm glad I can share it with my friends. I picked up my cellphone and called (Y/N).
"Hello? Thomas?" She spoke through the phone softly.
"Hello (Y/N). How are you?" I asked her.
"I'm doing pretty good. I was taking a nap actually." I shouldn't have called her, now I'm just a bother...
"I'm sorry... It is pretty late,"
"Don't worry Tommy. It was just a nap." She laughed. I love her laugh. It's so... (Y/N)!
"Well uh, I apologize for bothering you... it can wait until tomorrow."
"What did you need to tell me?"
"I was wondering if you were interested in fencing?" I twirled a pen in hand.
"Oh yes! I've heard about it in movies and TV shows!" She started to explain about some show about superheroes with a ladybug?
"You're just like Adrien! You guys both fence, you both have blonde hair!" (Y/N) spoke so passionately about this guy. Is he really that interesting?
"Who's Adrien?" I asked.
"This guy from France. Anyway's why'd you ask about fencing?" 
"My Uncle is a fencing teacher and he's looking for some new students-"
"Oh my god! Yes! I would love too! Can Auggie come too? Oh gosh... I'm sorry for interrupting." It was almost as if I could see her frown through the phone...
"I was just getting to that part. Yes, Auggie can come too. I'll let my Uncle know he has two new students incoming." I chuckled and smiled.
"Cool! See you tomorrow?"
"See you tomorrow..." I hung up and lied in bed with my hands behind my head.

3rd Person POV

Scarlett was walking past Thomas's room when she heard the bed creak. She took a peek through the not-fully closed door and saw her brother lying on his bed smiling like an idiot. She's gonna break his heart... Mom what would you do? Scarlett shook her head and walked away.

Sorry, there were so many POV switches!

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