Chapter 19: Karaoke! Part: 2

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Yay! Fun karaoke chapter!

"Is everyone in place?" I asked taking one last look at everything. I heard a series of 'yeahs' and 'yes'.
"Alright, guys! Jack should be arriving with Auggie any minute now! I just wanted to thank you all for helping out. It really means a lot to me." Everyone nodded and smiled proud of our hard work. Suddenly we heard a car pull up in the driveway.
"Now! Turn off the lights!" I hid behind the couch ready to throw confetti. We heard the door being unlocked and everyone held their breath in anticipation. Auggie and Jack walked into the room and we all jumped up.
"SURPRISE!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AUGGIE!" Auggie jumped at the sudden noise and then beamed with joy.
"Really? This is all for me?" Auggie asked looking around the room.
"It sure is!" I ran up to him and gave him a big hug.
"Happy Birthday Auggie..." I whispered in his ear. You see, this means a lot to Auggie because it's his first official birthday with friends...
"Let's get this party started!" Julian yelled as he helped Mom bring out all the food.


"What's this all about?" Auggie asked taking a seat in the living room that had the karaoke stand in front of the TV.
"Oh! Karaoke!" I responded simply.
"Speaking of which, we should start now!" I grinned grabbed the mic.
"Hey everyone! It's karaoke time!"


"So, who's up first?" Auggie asked.
"You're the birthday boy, so take a pick." Summer told Auggie. He brought a hand to his chin and did a thinking pose.
"Hmm... eenie, meenie, miny... mo!" Auggie pointed straight at Julian. A look of horror flashed on his face.
"Nope!" He shook his head violently.
"C'mon Julian! Don't be such a party pooper!" I grabbed him by the arm and lead him to the karaoke stand.
"Why me?!" Julian groaned and looked through the songs.
"Ugh..." He clicked a title and grabbed the mic.
"WAIT- NO- GOD NO- I CLICKED THE WRONG ONE-!" Julian panicked as he saw the song he picked.
"You chose it, you sing it," Auggie smirked leaning back into his chair.
"I hate all of you..." Julian death glared everyone and grumbled to himself. The music started and I immediately knew what song it was.

(In case anyone didn't know what song it is.)

"You know you love me, I know you care..." Julian sang in a monotone voice. I threw a pillow at him and he dodged. Julian sighed one last time and started putting in some effort.
"Just shout whenever, and I'll be there... You are my love, you are my heart! And we will never ever ever be apart!" Julian closed his eyes refusing to make eye contact with anyone.
"Are we an item? Girl quit playing... we're just friends? What are you saying? Said there's another, look right in my eyes. My first love broke my heart for the first time and I was like:" I covered my mouth desperately trying to contain my laughter. It was just too good!
"Baby, baby, baby, oh! Like baby, baby, baby, no-!" Auggie and Jack burst out laughing a the boy.
"You- You were so into it- Julian Bieber!" I couldn't stifle it any longer and let myself laugh. Julian glared and stomped down the couch throwing the mic to whoever was doomed to go next.
"Oh. I guess it's my turn then." Thomas stood up and walked to the machine. A bunch of girls whispered to themselves and giggled at the thought of Thomas singing.
"Any suggestions?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck. Everyone stared blankly and Thomas chuckled.
"Actually-, I already have one in mind." He smiled and scrolled through the songs in the search for his.
"Ah-! Found it!" He clicked it and the song began.
It had a peaceful and nice melody, one you could sleep too.

"I'm the boy in your other phone. Lighting up inside your drawer at home, all alone." The moment he began singing all the girls swooned, and I rolled my eyes playfully. Pshh! Show off!
He closed his eyes and sang sincerely.
"Pushing forty in the friend-zone. We talk and then you walk away every day. Oh, you don't think twice about me." Is he singing about someone? He sounds very serious...
"And maybe you're right to doubt me, but. But if you give me just one night, you're gonna see me in a new light. Yeah, if you give me just one night. To meet you underneath the moonlight." Thomas looked so calm and selfless while he sang. He sang every word as if he meant them... What if he did?
"Oh, I wanna take two, I wanna break through, I wanna know the real thing about you. So I could see you in a new light..." Thomas sang that last line and smiled sheepishly at the small crowd. Everyone broke into cheers and applause. Thomas just looked around and handed Charlotte the microphone.
"Ooh! I'm next!" Charlotte jumped up and ran to the machine. She browsed the songs and giggled when she found the right one.
"Get ready guys! I'm about to blow your socks off!"
She grabbed the mic excitedly and waited for her cue.
"I stay out too late! Got nothin' in my brain! That's what people say! Mm, mm!" I smiled at her enthusiasm and laid my head back.


"(Y/N)! Wake up!" Auggie shook me awake and all I saw was Julian and Thomas singing dramatically to each other! What did I miss?
"Love is an open dooooor! Love is an open, doOoooor! Life could be so much more!" Two voices sang in unison.
"With you!" Thomas sang grabbing Julian's hand.
"With you!" Julian sang back.
"With you!"
"With you!"
"Love is an open, doooor..." Thomas looked at Julian and asked,
"Can I just say something crazy?" Julian nods. Thomas got on one knee and said:
"Will you marry me?" Julian smiled and responded with:
"Can I say something even crazier? Yes!" They high-fived and started laughing.
"What the heck did I just witness?" The two boys turned to me and Julian screamed.
"I thought you were asleep!" Julian waves his arms around like crazy. Thomas on the other hand just kept laughing.
"Wow. Cheat on me with the handsome English guy. Didn't see it coming." I fake glared at Julian and he got on his knees.
"Don't tell anyone about what you saw!" He begged. I looked around and realized we were the only ones in the room.
"Where is everyone?" I asked.
"They went home," Auggie stated.
"No one woke me up!! I missed the entire party!!" I stood up in shock and slumped back down. Thomas put a hand on my shoulder and said.
"It's alright darling, you worked hard and you needed rest." I smiled at the brit and nodded. I could hear Julian growling in the distance.
"So you think I'm handsome?" He looked at me with a sly smirk.
"N-No! I- Ugh! I'm going to bed-!" I kissed Julian's cheek and ran into my room.

Julian's POV

"N-No! I- Ugh! I'm going to bed-!" (Y/N) kissed my cheek and walked away.
"So when's the wedding?" I asked Thomas. He looked at me cluelessly.
"You did propose to me after all!" I got up and followed (Y/N). I looked back and shouted:
"November 12th! Don't be late!"

Someone commented that (Y/N) and Auggie are twins so they would have the same birthday. I completely forgot about that and I'm sorry. Let's just pretend they're not for this chapter. Thank you for letting me know!

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