Chapter One: Let It Shine

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Beckett P.O.V
(Beckett's House ⬆)

Reading. Most kids seem to think it's the devil's subject, the one class that god wouldn't approve of. I simply think it's a class before lunch, and I actually enjoy the class.

Our teacher, Mrs. Calloway, is a short, taller than me, petite woman who wears the oldest looking clothes I've seen outside of a history book. She's wearing clothes you'd see on your grandmother. She has glasses but she has the little chains on the side so she can take them off and wear them like a necklace, which makes no sense to me. She's taught at our school, Windfield High, for over twenty years, which makes her about fifty years old but she gives us candy and occasionally cookies if we get good grades in her class which is pretty cool considering most teachers just want the day to end so they can slam there heads against walls to try and kill themselves before having to go through another day of us students constant talking and interrupting.

Her class was my third of the day, next was my favorite, lunch, so I was eagerly waiting for her lesson to end. The funny thing was everytime Mrs. Calloways says about twenty words she'll pause and look down at her book for about twenty seconds before talking again. Trust me, I've timed it. I think it's funny, but no one else in the class seems to notice while there whispering to each other, using Mrs. Calloway's poor hearing to their advantage, or texting under the desks with their phones brightness turned down, or my personal favorite for the kids in the back of the class, flat down sleeping.

A kid once brought a pillow and blanket just to sleep in the back, which was easy as the back three sets of lights don't work only the first four rows do, you'd think the back would be pretty lit with there being four out of three lights on but no, it was pretty dark back there.

The class had about twenty-three kids in it and only about five actually pay attention but Mrs. Calloway practically reads from the book, and if a test comes up, reading the chapters it on the night before and you'll get at least an eight percent. Makes me think Mrs. Calloway needs to make her class a little harder but right now I was passing at her method and I don't want to screw that up.

Her desk was covered completely, making me wonder how she grades papers on it, but I've seen it happen, I was shocked for about five minutes though, she practically used her laptop, one provided by the school, and used it as a clipboard. That was a clear sign she needs to clean her desk off, but the school custodians are too fearful to even touch her desk, afraid something alive is living inside her desk somewhere.

I swear I've heard a hiss before.

Regardless of how boring the lesson was, I found myself smiling right along as if it was the most interesting thing imaginable. I'm a smiling person, I smile 24/7 if I don't smile for more than a couple minutes kids ask me what's wrong. I'm the school's happiest attender. It's not that I love school, but it is generally better than home so I'd take it over a usually empty house.

My dad seriously overworks himself, needing to take a month break from his job at the hospital as an over-night nurse, he takes sixteen hour shifts and within the eight hours he's off, which is between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. I never see him I'm usually at school and on weekends he's asleep. My mom is sometimes home but when she is she's with a man that's not my father, and it's usually a different man, I don't understand why my mother does this but I'm not going to say anything, since it only gets me in trouble, not even my addictive smiles can get me out of trouble with mom getting laid with a guy she shouldn't even be talking to, let alone having sex with. Then there's my older brother Ross, who still live at the house because instead of putting his money into something like a house or higher education, no instead he spends it on drugs, my brother is totally addicted to whatever he can get his hands on, and like with mom, I can't say squat on the matter, unlike with mom, Ross will hit me for trying to stop him and his love of drugs. He's also in a gang which makes matters completely worse in my opinion.

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