Chapter Four: Now You See Me

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Beckett P.O.V

I walk back into my bedroom seeing Reese sitting exactly where he was when I left, but much more stiff, he looked like a person afraid of getting caught doing something wrong but I just shrugged it off, keeping track of the time in my head because I knew mom was coming home from her weekly clothes shopping trip at 5:30 and I needed to have Reese out of the house by then, because I'd hate for Reese to even see my family let alone get to see their personality and that's only mom, if Ross was home, you'd see my brother at his absolute worst, as in his drugged out state because Ross doesn't just take his drugs at home, no he takes them wherever, with friends and all that. I've seen him, it isn't like anyone would know because I don't say anything, yes I realize that these drugs can kill my brother but there isn't anything I can do to stop him that doesn't involve the police and I'm scared about what Ross would do if I even called the police on him so I do nothing which is probably worse. I love him, but he makes it clear on occasions that he doesn't love me.

I walk over to my bed where I was sitting, a smile on my face. I love this room. My parents had actually been expecting a girl when they had me so my walls had already been painted purple, but I painted the ceiling pink afterward, I know it looks sloppy but I love my wall. I love my unicorn poster too, I got it from a dollar store and hanged it after my brother punched a hole in the wall during one of his drug rages and I simply used the poster to cover it up. It wasn't like anyone was going to see inside my room, this was one of the rare occasions someone actually ends up inside my house, and it will remain rare as I can't keep finding days that my family may or may not be home, I was lucky enough to guess that Ross wasn't going to be home today because it's random with him and I guess right but I don't know when he returns tonight. He can come home in five minutes or five hours. I'm praying for the latter.

I look at Reese and sigh wondering what happened when I left because it made him look like he was hiding something, but it isn't like I'm not hiding anything either. No, I'm totally not hiding a drug-addicted brother and a cheating mother. No, it's not possible. I'm too happy to be hiding anything that dark. Ha.

I can't even believe my own lies, that how bad I am at lying, which is why I never bring my family up unless I bring up dad and then I only mention how he's an over worker and nothing more. Most people don't even know I have a brother because I never bring him up. I couldn't bring him up without applying some type of mention of drugs.

After another thirty minutes, I close my book with a sigh, already knowing what we're going to do and look over at Reese to see him staring off into space.

"Hey," I say quietly at him causing him to snap his head over to me with a wide-eyed look as if he was really trying to hide something from me. "Since we're partners I think we should get to know each other, if just by a little," I say looking at him with a smile and seeing him respond with a blank face. Boy, this guy needs to smile more. That is a task for me. I need to get this guy to smile, no one can resist my power of smile power. He didn't say anything, he simply looked at me, which would make anyone else anxious but I've had staring contest with my brother while he's high before, so I could totally deal with Reese's weak glare, which is what his gaze turned into as he tried to move me off of the topic with only his eyes, but I understand why it would work for other people because it was a pretty strong glare. It still didn't affect me though.

"Well, I'll go first!" I said just as cheerfully. I wasn't going to let this boy be a party pooper just because he's an anti-social bad boy, even the anti-social need to grow out of their cocoons at some point. Including Reese.

It wasn't the first time I've heard about Reese, rumors fly, and all of his have made it to the table o' popular. I've heard a lot of weird ones, ones that simply couldn't be true, and ones that are realistic enough to be. I've also seen him in the hallways. He's got the build of a weightlifter, he's definitely what I'd consider the 'bad boy' type. He wore darker colors which definitely worked for him, jeans, but ripped at the knees. The shirts were generally tight enough to see an obvious set of abs that would make any girl drool, and any gay guy stalks him. Not that I have, at the time I first saw him, I wasn't interested in a partner, I wasn't one of those people who broke up with someone and started dating a week later, they usually did that just to have sex but regardless, I'm not that type of person, I have never been and never will be.

When I first saw him it had been my first year of high school, and he had been walking down the hallway with people following him, regardless of the fact he looked like he really wanted to be left alone, the people behind him chattering away regardless of the look of annoyance on his face, and yet he didn't force them to go away but then he pushed someone out of his way, way too hard and they slammed into a locker. Everyone else jumped which shock, everyone but me. It reminded me of my brother pushing me into the fridge while drunk, he was also a heavy drinker, yelling at me for being in his way or something like that, it wouldn't be the first time he's yelled at me for something that he shouldn't have but I promise it won't be the last time either, unless he dies, then it wouldn't happen ever again.

"One, I'm gay, so if you have a problem with it then this project will be heck for you." I started looking at him, daring him to speak out against my sexuality, when he didn't I smiled brightly at him. "Two, I have a small love for unicorns, they totally exist somewhere!" I said passionately, I have a much larger love for the animals, but I didn't want to seem like a girl, people have called me that before, never directly to my face, but behind my back, but that was back in like middle school, probably before even then.

"You have a sister right?" I asked Reese, which must have surprised him considering his head popped up to look at me. I'm assuming not a lot of people knew they were related considering that shocked look. He nodded, though hesitantly, but it was one of the few reactions he's ever given me, so it was a start.

"I think I've seen her in the halls before, a cheerleader right? Pretty sure she was sleeping with a guy named Brian, but I'm not sure." I said kind of losing myself in my own thoughts before snapping out of it.

I looked back up at Reese, not realizing that I have looked down, but he wasn't looking at me, no he was looking at my unicorn poster, making me wonder, once again, what happened while I went to pee. I was kind of lucky that Ross' door was locked, he had the key, not me. I haven't been in his room in about four years, right before everything got really, really bad, it was a couple weeks later before the last thread was broken and he became the awful person he is to this day.

"What about you?" I asked, looking at him, making him snap his head over to me with questioning in his eyes.

"What?" He asked looking at me annoyed slightly. I simply smiled at him. I didn't generally question future friends but for some reason, I felt the need to have to question him.

"Who are you?" I asked looking at him expectingly before I side glanced my clock seeing it was 5:25 and shot off my bed.

"You have to go," I said shortly, somewhat pushing him out of my bedroom, and down the stairs, which confused him, because he kind of tried to fight me, but failed because I was that determined to get him out before my mother got back, likely with a one night stand or something. Right before I pushed him out the front door I apologized before closing the door on his face. I truly felt bad, generally wanting to know his answer to the question, but knew I'd probably never find out the answer. I had a feeling people like Reese rarely opened up to anyone, if anyone, and most likely wouldn't open up to me. I sighed leaning against the door for a minute until a car pulled up into the driveway and I darted to my bedroom, locking the door securely behind me.

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