Chapter Fifteen: Happier

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Reese P.O.V

It had been weird. The day at school. It had been weird because a presence I have been getting used to hadn't been to school today. Beckett hadn't come to school. A small part of me didn't think he was going to because of him being as sick as he had been another part of me had hoped he would so I would have gotten to see him. Selfish I know but I had really wanted to see him if only to make sure he was okay. I wish he had been at school, but I understand if he wasn't feeling well enough to come in. I wouldn't want to come to school if I hadn't been feeling well and I probably wouldn't have. Beckett's reason for not being at school was completely justifiable and I should really stop thinking about this before I drive off the freaking road or crash into another car. I would hate to be the cause of a wreak and die but I wouldn't mind if I died thinking about Beckett . . . okay, I have to stop, I'm getting creepy.

Science class had been odd without the ball of sunshine and I wasn't the only one that seemed to miss his presence. The entire class seemed dead today and even the teacher didn't seem like they wanted to teach. I doubt it was solely because Beckett wasn't there but it was an option. With Beckett's personality, I didn't doubt that people would lighten up, mood-wise, with the sunshine boy around to spread smiles for all to see. I was personally warmed on the inside anytime one of Beckett's smiles were directed towards me. I can't believe I hadn't noticed him before the project. Had my bad boy mindset completely disregard Beckett? It seemed like that was the case and that made me want to hit myself over the head with a hammer for ever ignoring such an amazing person like Beckett. I wonder if other people had ignored Beckett before. I bet some have, they must have been ignorant like I had been but no more. No longer shall I allow me to be so stupid as to ignore that ball of innocence. That boy should be showered in attention and happiness.

Even though I think he needs to be showered in rainbow glitter, or I mentally do so in my head.

My thoughts quickly got distracted by the presence of a police car being parked right in my driveway. My thoughts went from good to negative in such a short span that I almost thought I had an emotion mood disorder. Pulling into the driveway where I usually park my vehicle I get out, taking my keys locking my vehicle behind me before going over to where a single police officer was leaning against his cruiser looking at me when I approached him hesitantly.

"Can I help you?" I asked him with shyness and hesitance in my voice. I knew not to trust cops, that was one of the things my father had taught me in his moments of soberness. There we moments my father could really give you some good advice. Then again one time he was hungover and told me if you put your hand in cooking grease that your hand would turn into french fries. I had never been more mortified.

The police officer hummed at me.

"Are you in relations to Jim Ridge?" The police officer asked like it wasn't unusual for a guy to drive to a house that belonged to Jim Ridge and expect the person to not live there. Sometimes the logic people possess.

"I'm his son why?" I asked, afraid of whatever mess my father might have gotten himself into. It must have been a big one for the police to be involved. I feared the words that would come out of the police man's mouth. Whatever my father had done, he was most likely going to end up behind bars, our family couldn't afford to pay bail even if it was offered to him. What in the world has my father gotten himself into?

"Today at twelve twenty-seven, your father attacked a local bartender and sent the man to the hospital. Police were called and charges have been pressed. Your father is currently sitting in jail awaiting his punishment. He's been charged with battery and assault and he is most likely going to see a minimum of a year behind bars, most likely more." The cop said, scanning my face for any sort of response but my face was locked in a confused trance.

I never thought the day my father would be put behind bars would ever come. My father was a bad man and never expressed any fatherly love towards me or my sister, in other terms, he has been a crappy father and deserves this punishment.

"That's all . . ." The police officer said before looking as if he was about to get back into his cruiser before he left I said one thing.

"Thank you for informing me, officer. I hope you have a good night." I said trying a to be more like Beckett in the kindness department and my first attempt seemed to go well because the officer smiled at me, waving while he pulled away and disappeared down the end of the street.

I entered the house with a sense of freedom.

Later the night I had found myself staring at my phone, hoping Beckett would send me a text or something but being to chicken to text him first. I informed my sister that dad had been arrested and she cheered, saying he was a b*stard anyway and that he wouldn't be missed. I had to agree. I was moments from falling asleep when I heard the patter of feet running across the house and the sound of the bathroom door being slammed open but who I was assuming to be my sister as mom hadn't come home yet, and maybe she wouldn't at all.

Ignoring my sister, I rolled over and attempted to sleep the bull away, preferably thinking of Beckett.

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