Chapter Ten: Alphabet Boy

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Beckett P.O.V

I jump when a hand wrapped around my hand, the hand trying to remove Reese's grip on me. Startled I looked down to see Reese glancing at me with uninterested eyes as if the entire situation was bothering him and he rather have been anywhere but here. I could honestly agree with the statement I would rather be anywhere but here in the nurse's office with Reese having his arm wrapped around my middle. My face began to warm up when I realize that he's probably been sleeping on me for a while which was a little weird considering the fact that I'm very sure that he isn't gay and this is a very gay thing to do. If he had been my friend, which I'm sure he'd punch me for saying he was, then it might be a scared friend kind of thing to do but we aren't friends and that makes this a very gay thing, not that I'm against that, I would rather have someone who was close to me doing something like this, not my bad boy of a science partner; even though the title of bully also is acceptable for him. I know he's kind of a bully to certain people, I think it's just his nature though. I also think it has some influence from something in his life because it's very random from what I've heard. With a red face, I found myself looking him directly in the eyes as he seemed to slowly wake himself.

"How are you feeling?" He mumbled quietly against the paper wrapping wrapped on the nurse's bed. He honestly looked kind of tired, which would explain why he was napping on the bed, but not explain why he did so on the bed I was unconscious on and with his arm wrapped around my waist like that. I needed some answers and I better get some. But to answer the current question at hand, I was indeed feeling better. I wasn't one-hundred percent yet but it was better than during class. I would need to stop at Walmart on the way home for some simple cold medication because I am not going home without something to help fight off my cold or flu or whatever the heck I have going on. I am not going to suffer through it because my brother did who knows what with the medication that was once in the medicine cabinet. The bottle I pick up this afternoon was most definitely going to be hidden in a place where my brother can't get his slimy hands on the single bottle I am going to purchase. If I buy too many than my brother would most likely figure out I had some stashed in the house then go hunting them out on the few days he's at home.

"Better, actually," I mutter quietly, as I knew I personally hate having someone talk loudly when I have just woken up so I was going to treat people with the same treatment that I want to be treated with because I would hate to seem mean for talking loudly when he just woke up. That and my throat still kind of hurt from whatever illness was causing me pain.

He simply nodded at my response makes me wonder if he actually cared if I was feeling better or not. At this point, I'm assuming it was him who brought me to the nurse's office, which I was thankful for, though I'm not sure if I'm every going to verbally thank him or not. Mainly because he usually isn't the nicest person to me, even though I am usually nothing but kind to him. At least, I don't think I haven't been kind. I'm pretty sure I have been nice, I usually am. Not just to him but to everyone. I try to be as nice as I can. It's common courtesy. Treat people the way you want to be treated . . . right? At least that's what they try to drill into our head when we were younger but when we're younger it simply went in one ear and straight out the other. It was freaking impossible to tell a kid something and they do exactly as you say. I'm saying this with complete honesty right here. I want to be treated with kindness. I want to be treated how people think I deserve to be treated.

"That's good." He says as he slowly removes his arm from around my waist as if he was afraid I'd jump away instantly as he was looking at me with hesitance in his gaze. I . . . do not understand this person. Reese is so . . . weird I guess is the right word. It's is very fitting. I just nod as I sling my legs across the bed allowing my feet to finally touch the ground. I lean back slightly and get the satisfying sound of my back popping in return. That feels better. I have always hated sleeping on these type of beds, it was the most uncomfortable thing imaginable. The pillows are awful too but it's always because of one thing or another. To hard, to soft, not enough stuffing, made of foam. It's always something with these type of beds and pillows and it's awful that the people can't figure out that it costs like twenty bucks to buy a comfortable bed and pillows you just have to look very hard at a local Walmart. I have a thing for Walmart, like seriously.

"Let me take you home," Reese says making me look at him with wide eyes. That was oddly . . . generous, especially coming from him. I guess my questioning gaze was noticeable because he sighs and rubs his hand through his hair before he begins to clarify why he would be kind enough to take me home. "You were asleep all the way through Science class, you missed out of some things and I would like to explain them to you outside of the bleachy smelling nurse's office if you care to give me your time." He says looking at me like he couldn't care whether I decide to go with him or not. He always looks like he doesn't care to be honest. I'm getting used to his uncaring nature, but I bet he's a softy on the inside.

"Sure, take me home."

Regardless, it saves me on bus money for him to take me home, that and I would hate to fall behind in Science.

Still have to stop at Walmart before heading home. I hope he doesn't mind stopping . . .

He probably will.

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