Chapter Two: Candy Man

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Beckett P.O.V

Glancing at my brother, Ross, I seriously wanted him to go home and lock himself in his room. He took me out of school, and for what? To go buy drugs. Why he needs me? Easy, he doesn't want to have to pay. Which is where I come into the equation. He makes me steal it back. He's only made me do this a couple times but every time is worse than the last. I've had a gun pointed at me before, thankfully no one ever sees who I am, I have a grey hoodie in the back of Ross's truck so no one can see my head, and a wrap that will cover my mouth and nose. They could only see my eyes, and there are probably a lot of people in this town with blue eyes which were probably why Ross didn't make me cover my eyes, it was moments like these, when Ross makes me cover myself, that it even remotely seems like he cares, if even slightly.

I looked over at Ross, who was focusing on the building in front of us, which I knew for a fact was the drug house, the whole places was practically a meet-up for drug buyers to meet up with their dealers to get whatever they need. I've been here a couple of times, though ever time was because my brother dragged me here, he once brought me here when I was unconscious and he dragged me from my bed and put me in his truck and I woke up outside of the drug house in this truck.

My brother seriously loves drugs. He'd drag me out of the house just to save himself some money that he'd spend later. It was crazy that he'd go so far as to purchase and use drugs, including using his own brother to get them. Some days I just want to yell at Ross for letting himself fall so far into the addiction, but I'm too afraid to. I don't want to be hit or slapped for simply speaking my mind so I don't say anything at all.

The drug house was on the corner of Cover Lane, which was pretty empty, it has a diner that's own by some old lady who I swear is connected to the drug house somehow, I've eaten there twice, both times with Ross, once at one a.m. and the other around lunchtime. Both times I wished he'd have just taken us to McDonald's. McDonald's beat the diner by hundreds.

Looking at my brother you can slightly tell we're related. He happens to have a darker blonde hair color, which made his hair look more brown than blonde, especially if his hair was wet, and he had blue eyes but his were darker than mine. He was also tanner, which is shocking considering I hardly ever see him doing anything outside the house. He probably gets the tan from his 'job' which I never attend with him. I refuse to go anywhere near a gang.

"You know what to do," Ross said looking over at me, a glare made just for me, and I sigh, nodding at my brother. Yes, I knew what to do, and I wasn't proud of it. Ross would make me steal the money back, and it made me feel awful inside. I never wanted to do it, but I've been hit trying to disobey Ross. He used me because of my short height, I'm easy to not see. Sometimes I think that is the only reason Ross even talks to me, to use me to save him a couple bucks. It kind of hurts that, that is probably the truth, but he's still my brother, I'll love him whether he loves me back or not.

I wonder what's going on in math class, they're probably working on something thirty times more interesting than this, it's also safer by millions, I mean how can do math from a book be dangerous, unless you throw the book at someone cause those books are hard as rocks, I wouldn't want to be on the receiving side of an oncoming book. It was moments like flying math books, that I'm glad I'm popular because no one would even dare to throw a book at me. I'm too nice for thrown books to be my enemy.

I bet my peers think I'm shopping, I wish I was shopping over this, and technically I kind of am shopping, shopping for drugs. I wonder what kind Ross was getting this time. It's really none of my business.

Yet, it's my business anyway.


I look at Ross, a frown on my face, one of the rare times that I'm not smiling my life away.

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