Chapter Twenty: Youth

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Beckett P.O.V

I woke up with a smile on my face. I was known for smiling so I don't think it would be that much of a surprise if my peers knew that I woke up with a smile on my face. I don't usually wake up as happy as I am right now though. No, this happiness was caused by one boy, one boy named Reese. Warm feeling butterflies erupt in my stomach as I grab my pillow and squeal into it loudly. Happiness practically leaking off of me. I saw too happy about this! I so in . . . like with him. As cliche as that is. I felt like in the near future that this entire situation would be more than just like but right now, that's what it was. I am not going to tell myself and Reese a lie. I know what it's like to have false love going on in my life and I wouldn't be a person who replicated the same type of situation when said situation was a situation I hated so badly. I hated being told by anybody that they loved me when they didn't. I had a sinking feeling that Reese felt the same way. With his hard exterior, his inner core, inner self, was no doubt was rather sensitive.

I jumped out of bed with excitement in my step before I halt. I don't know if Reese wanted our relationship to be . . . public or not. I personally don't care about my image to my peers, and Reese didn't seem like he did but . . . what if he didn't want anyone else to know? What if I accidentally out him today and he gets angry at me about it? I don't want him to be mad at me over something like that. I know how important it is when someone comes out. Some people don't care. Some people only want a select amount of people knowing. Some people didn't want anyone to know and would deny it simply by instinct. I didn't know which one was Reese. I wanted to believe he would be the type who didn't care what others thought and simply did what he thought best. The kind who followed their hearts. I wanted to believe he'd come out for me and I wouldn't have to hide the person who I was potentially falling love with. I didn't want to be pushed into the relationship closet. I didn't want to have a relationship that I'd have to hide my entire life simply to remain with the person of interest. I wanted and deserved more. I think Reese isn't in the closet relationship type.

Letting all the pressure out of my chest with one big exhale of air, I continue to my closet and prepare myself for the day ahead of me. However stressful it may be. Grabbing on light clothes and a hoodie I make my way downstairs to find my dad in the kitchen sipping on a cup of coffee. Memories flashed through my mind of my father doing this when I was much younger, back when my family was still whole. I wish . . .

Dad looked up upon hearing me enter the room, glancing over my outfit before nodding in approval. I rolled my eyes. I should be thankful that mom hadn't had a girl in the span that mom and dad had been in 'love' if they ever had been. I like to think that at one point there had been an unforgettable spark. A spark that most definitely disappeared between then and now. Dad would most definitely have been strict with a daughter, more protective than he'd ever be with me. I was thankful that I wasn't a girl at times like this. That, and if I had been born a girl I would have been a boring heterosexual average teenage girl. I couldn't have that! I liked being gay.

"Good morning dad," I said walking around the kitchen island, heading towards the fridge to grab myself a cold bottle of water. As much as I liked coffee because I liked it as much as the next person I was told I shouldn't drink it in the morning. That it would make me way too hyper. Way, too hyper.

"Morning." He said back, smiling at me before going back to a book I hadn't noticed had been their before. I didn't even notice he was reading. This is what middle-aged men do when they have time off of work? Man, their lives must be so bland.

I smiled at him glanced for half of a second out the kitchen window, and looked away before I did a real quick double check. Parked outside of the house was Reese, waiting in his vehicle, glancing around absentmindedly. I looked back at dad who was simply smirking down at his novel. I narrow my eyes at him, the punk. He had known my boyfriend was outside and did he inform me? Parents . . .

I smile, before walking over hugging dad goodbye, which seemed to surprise my father before I simply shook my head at him, grabbing my bag from where I had left it last, on the floor. I fling my bag over my shoulder, letting out a sigh as I am instantly hit with the weight of school stuff that I have managed to jam into my backpack. With that I rush out of the house, a large smile blossoming on my face. Upon seeing the door move in Reese's peripheral vision, his head instantly shot in my direction, a smile blossoming on his face as well.

I practically run over to his vehicle, opening the door, and hopping in. I smile over at Reese, a blush appearing on my cheeks and I am instantly hit with a shyness that I hadn't expected. Reese simply smiled at me, leaning over and planting a kiss on my cheek which made my blush worsen.

"Good morning," Reese said smiling at me.

"Same to you as well," I said smiling back at him, giggling slightly at the slight appearance of dimples on Reese's face. It was simply too cute. "How did you sleep?" I asked looking over at him as he backed out of my driveway and onto the street.

Reese hummed for a second as if thinking before he looked at over me, his smile dropping slightly. I instantly knew something was wrong. I was hoping that it was directed at me though.

"Last night wasn't the best . . . " Reese said before his eyes snapped open as my smile weaken. "Not the date part! That part was amazing!" Reese said in a panic before my shoulders dropped with relief. At least it wasn't apart of the date. I looked over at him, more questioning now that a slight case of fear. "My mother, who knows with her, she wasn't home last night and my sister . . . Ugh!" Reese said crashing his head against the headrest of his seat, before focusing back on the road again. "She's pregnant."

I simply blink at him, thinking about his sister. If I was correct his sister was a cheerleader at school, and the cheerleaders didn't have very . . . clean back records with relationships. But his sister was I'm pretty sure younger than me and she's already having to deal with that kind of responsibility? Geez, I kind of feel bad for her. I instantly feel sympathy for both his sister and Reese himself.

"I don't know how she's going to deal with it . . . Dad's in jail, mom is never around, and I know nothing about kids! Even worse is the guy has already broken up with her and wants nothing to do with the kid!" Reese says, ranting in a way. I understood. He was in a back situation.

"Hey, it will all be okay, if you, ya know, need a place to crash, both you and your sister, need a place to stay, my house is always available," I said, blushing at the idea of having Reese live in the same house as me, it made me feel warm inside. A smile gracing my face when he looks like he might actually consider it. "No rush though," I add, grabbing onto the hand that wasn't on the steering wheel and held his hand in mine.

"Thank you, Becky," Reese muttered quietly as we pulled up to the school parking lot and suddenly a whole nother issue comes back into my mind. Coming out . . .

I hop out of the vehicle and grabbed my bag. I glance hesitantly over at Reese. Did he want to act like boyfriend and boyfriend or pull off the friend situation? I didn't want to make the wrong move.

I began to walk beside Reese with a questionable amount of distance between the two of us. I didn't think Reese noticed it, until he slides his arm around my waist in the middle of the school hallway, startling me and a couple people around us.

He leans towards my ear, still walking me towards my locker. "Why are you distancing yourself from me?" He asked quietly in my ear, a huskiness about his tone causing a shiver to go up my spine.

"I-I didn't know if you wanted to . . . come out or not . . . " I say hesitantly, glancing over at him with shielded eyes startled to be pushed up against a locker by Reese. He was leaning over me. His height difference making this entire situation more and more intimidating.

"Why would I hide my relationship with you? You're perfect, and I am not, nor will ever be ashamed to call you mine." Reese said before making a move that nobody in this school could misunderstand.

In front of the entire school or anyone in that hallway, Reese bent down and laid a kiss upon my lips.

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