Chapter Seven: Tag, Your It

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Beckett P.O.V

Seven in the morning is an ungodly hour to wake up. Even worse, it's how early kids who have to attend school have to wake up, and that is if they live like right across the way from the school they are planning to attend. I personally hate having to wake at the hour that I currently do, but I'll do it anyway. That, and I personally don't want to see my mother. That's why I usually go to school even if I get sick because anything is better than having to stay at home and listen to mom's infidelity. It's nearly impossible to not hear mom, especially when she thinks no one is home. I hate to imagine what would happen if dad actually came home and figured out what exactly his wife has been doing whenever dad isn't home. I would never tell him that mom was cheating because I remember as a kid when dad's shifts were shorter he used to light up when he talked about mom and her beauty. It used to make me so happy to see dad happier since he used to have moments that truly put him in the dumps and mom used to make his frown turn upside down but now . . . I hardly even ever see dad anymore. Sometimes I wish I could just go to the hospital where dad works and just see him but I know he's busy and I would be a distraction. A big distraction that dad doesn't need right now. I know as much that he loves me that the family needs the money, especially to pay for the house and the bills that pile up if they don't get paid off, it would be a whole lot more helpful if mom worked or if Ross put some of the money he makes off of drugs into the piggy bank that pays for the house but the people in my house, aside from dad, only think about themselves.

I can't say I'm much different but I try my hardest by simply staying out of the way. Which is apparently what I do best, staying out of their way and I do that until someone puts themselves in a position to make me 'in the way'. I'm talking about Ross of course. I wish I had nothing to do with my drug-addicted and selling brother, it gets old having to steal for him. Buy for him. These are definitely the things that keep me up a night.

But back to the school thing and being sick. I'm . . . sick. It's pitiful that I can contract a simple school illness as quickly as I do. What's even worse is that there is no medicine in the house, my brother most likely sold it. I don't get why it isn't like the medicine was the kind you had to get prescribed, in fact, they were simple cold medicines that would be wildly appreciated at the moment. I wish Ross hadn't taken them from the medicine cabinet where they were meant to remain. If they had been in there proper place, I probably wouldn't have been feeling as sickly as I do now. It's really inconvenient when medicine isn't available because it has been snatched by your brother. 

I simply don't feel like . . . anything. I don't want to go to school, to get up, to move. I'm feeling like a literal piece of crap.

Which is why walking into the school right now feels like literal torture to me. I'm expected to be all sunshine and rainbows but right now, I feel as far away as I can be from happiness or any form of joy. I don't feel like talking to anybody or putting on a happy face, especially for some of the fake people inside this school. Even I know some of these guys are just as fake as they can be. I don't mention it. I don't mention that they might be lying to everyone for attention or to simply keep friends. I don't ask. I don't judge. Or well, I try not to. Right now, I simply want everyone to fudge off and leave me alone.

What I mean is, I the moment I walk into the school I'm swarmed by people, who won't shut up and my head is pounding, a headache like nothing ever seen begins to take place, and my ache begins to worsen but it isn't like I can go home, mom will most definitely be there to disrupt my peace and quiet. Yes, that's all I wish I had right now, peace and quiet.

I, fortunately, made it to most of my classes, but like it's said, 'You're not you when you're sick.'

Which is why when I walked into the science classroom I felt like falling onto the ground and giving up my soul to whoever asked for it, all for the pain and ache to go away. I walked, more like stumbled slowly over to my desk. I climb into my seat with shaking legs. It feels so cold in this room. Maybe the teacher should turn the heat up because right now I feel so sick. I feel as bad as I possibly can.

The bell rings and the class starts. I can barely keep my eyes open throughout the class and I think my peers knew something was wrong as well because they kept looking at me with concern in their eyes. I didn't care either. I wanted a bed, any bed. I want to sleep. Yes, I wish sleep was near but it didn't seem to come to me. I want to sleep so badly. Why can't I sleep?

It felt like it would never end but then suddenly, the thing holding me back from sleeping suddenly disappeared and sleep suddenly came so naturally as if nothing was ever holding me back and while shivering I fall into a nice peaceful sleep. It felt so much better than the ache that the sickness was currently causing me.

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