Chapter Five: Whatever It Takes

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Beckett P.O.V

I let out a small sigh as I assure myself that the lock on my door is indeed locked. I would hate for it to be unlocked, especially since I knew what was about to happen. For others what was about to happen is actually normal or a good thing, for me it's borderline awful.

My mom is coming home.

And with her, most likely came another one-night stand that she'd never see afterward and even worse, she's a married woman. It's even worse to the fact that mom doesn't wear the wedding ring that dad had paid for, dad had spent quite a bit of his paychecks to buy, and she simply doesn't want to be caught wearing it. Probably because it wards off men. I mean, who wants a married woman? Not many men that I can think off, no they want a free woman to spend time with since they know another man, a man who won't allow them in, won't kick them out.

That's probably why I hide in my room every time mom comes home. Why would I want to be home with men here to please my mother when it should be my father doing so? Ross doesn't care, then again, he isn't consciously thinking most of the time he's home so I don't think he's ever noticed that the people-pleasing mom aren't dad. Once upon a time, Ross had been a daddies boy. He's followed dad everywhere, well he had before dad had started taking longer shifts and then Ross had become a druggy and everything else fell apart in my life.

I jump when the front door is slammed open, but I knew it wasn't my mom. Ross. I didn't actually think he was going to come home and the fact that he had was terrifying. I leap off my bed and flick my lights off before rushing to my closet and hiding inside, after grabbing my old Kindle, something I had received on a past birthday and locked the closet when I closed it's doors softly. The closet was big enough for me to hide in, so I generally hide here because one time Ross broke into my room and stole some of my money, taken while I was in the room, he had punched me that time, made my nose bleed and I had a bruise on it for a while. I didn't want that to happen again since most of the time that money went towards my lunch and I had gone without eating for a couple days before I eventually gathered up enough money to go back to eating. Trust me, I had gotten quite a few weird looks when on the first day I hadn't eaten anything.

I heard faint stomping on the stairs before I jumped out of my skin when a loud bang was heard, a loud bang on my door.

"BECKETT!!" I heard Ross yell into my room. I didn't exactly know what he wants but I bet it had something to do with needing money from me, and all that. "OPEN THE DOOR!!!" I really don't want to, so I'm going to say no, mentally of course, why would I confirm that I'm in the room?

He banged and banged on the door for a good while before eventually giving up and went straight into his room before I heard the door slam shut behind him and heard the gentle sound of a door locking, and until I heard that door lock I held my breath, mentally thinking that he could have heard the softest noise of me breathing, which isn't actually logical and doesn't really make sense but it was my brain told me to do.

It was a while before I left the closet, probably to ensure that it was actually safe, and when I was sure it was, I creeped out slowly, and it was. No brother in sight and that's when I let out a sigh before leaping back onto my bed, pulling the kindle out of my back pocket where I unconsciously put it. I reach over to the nightstand and grab the earbuds and put them in both ears before inserting it into the Kindle. I click on videos. There was only one, one I had personally added on the device before the video was destroyed.

I clicked on the video.

'Ross! Let go of me!' a small boy with bright blonde hair said, trying to escape another boy, slightly bigger than the other with a darker shade of blonde. The bigger boy had the small one in a headlock, rubbing his fist on the top of the younger head, obviously causing discomfort to the smaller, who was instinctively crying out for help. The crying for help didn't stop the bigger boy from his task and the bigger boy didn't stop until a woman's voice called and a woman with dark brown curly hair rushed into the view before pulling the smaller boy into her arms protectively while scolding the other, the smaller one is in almost tears due to the small about of bullying he had received from his older brother.

'Apologies to him, now!' the woman said before sitting her youngest on the ground, thinking about how she wasn't cut out for this, motherhood didn't suit her at all.

The younger one looked up at his brother expectingly, hoping for an apology so they could return to playing in the small sand pit that was big enough for the both of them and a slightly more amount of room for them to build. The older hesitated for a minute before he reached out and hugged the smaller, apologizing in his ear softly, so that the woman wouldn't be able to hear.

'I'm sorry, Becky.' The older said before tightening his grip protectively pulling him away slightly from their mother, he knew. He was old enough to know that mommy and daddies didn't allow other people into their beds, and yet mommy was doing it all the time, she wasn't a good mommy anyway, Ross knew he would have to be the one to protect Becky, even if it meant protecting him from her. 'I didn't mean to hurt you.'

The small boy looked up at his brother and smiled a gummy smile at him and forgave him instantly, the moment was ruined by a phone going off, the woman's phone. She flushed and rushed away from her children before going inside and leaving them without supervision, unaware that a small child's toy camera that the older had asked for had been recording everything.

Tears lanced my eyes as I watched the whole five-minute video, it felt like yesterday, hI could practically remember the way Ross hugged me protectively, or how we playing so innocently together in the sandpit. How I wish that was how it was now. God, Ross would punch him is he knew he still had that video. I had saved it when he was about to throw all his old toys out, the camera was still in his room, taken it was dead, it was still valuable in my eyes, as it was the only toy remaining from Ross's youth, the only thing left of his nice, kind, protective brother.

Taken that all that was left was an evil figure.

The front door opened again, this time I was sure it was mom, since who else would come home? Certainly not dad, since he was currently at work and wouldn't be home till tomorrow. I could also hear mom giggling downstairs which told me they'd most likely go at it in the living room, thank god mom had her tube tied, almost immediately afterward I heard subtle moans escaping from downstairs and I look over at my kindle for the time. Yep, if I even so much as want food, I'll have to get it now, because later they'll be having sex to disturbing for me to venture downstairs.

So I took the small risk and ventured away from the safe haven and creeped into the kitchen without them knowing and made myself a sandwich before making another for Ross, since he would probably starve if someone didn't make food for him, not that I'd hand it to him, no, I'd do it the safe route and leave it outside his door. That way he'll find it when he exits his room to use the bathroom. I grab myself a soda and was about to retreat upstairs when a male voice, a voice I've never heard in my life talks.

"Hey, Carly, whose that?" A drunk sounding voice asks making me freeze. Why is he calling my mom Carly? Her name is Carrissa. I heard mom lean over the couch and look at me, which I'm one-hundred percent sure I looked like a boy who got caught doing something wrong, which I hadn't but it felt that way.

"Oh, that's . . . my nephew," My mother said lying to the three guys, yes three, which made my heart twist.

"Ah, babysitting are ya," One with a slight accent said kissing behind my mother ear. She wasn't wearing anything reasonable, bright pink lingerie that revealed a lot of my mother's body, something that men who were straight would begin drooling over her.

"Yeah . . ." Mom said as she leaned into another man who hadn't spoken yet, he was kissing up her neck slightly.

I look at the other guy one who had been staring at me the entire time before the man winks at me, making me recoil slightly.

"He gonna join us?" The same winking man asks before I shake my head no, before rushing out of the living room and back up the stairs as an attempt to escape from the winking man.

Leaving Ross's plate outside his door the left slightly I retreat into my room and hide away, locking the door behind me, so that no one gets inside.

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