Chapter Eighteen: Rather Be

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Reese P.O.V

Beckett's lips were on mine, fitting perfectly, making it feel like the perfect cliche moment, because it kind of was, and that's all I can describe it as. His lips sort of molded against mine. Him gently applying pressure into the kiss, urging me to respond. After snapping out of my initial shock, I responded to the kiss that this beautiful boy has granted to me. Raising one of my hands to his cheek and the other to the back of his head I applied my own force into the kiss making it more passionate than when Beckett was just awkwardly kissing me with no reaction. A blush spreading across Beckett's cheek. I had been shocked for the first few seconds, okay! It's not every day the boy you like kisses you without giving large hints towards it. Then again, not everyone gives big hints . . . I guess Beckett may have been subtly throwing hints and maybe I had been as well. Who knows . . .

I think I've done well with how I planned the first date, my first true date. I should consider selling my ideas for dates to desperate guys. No wonder they can't keep a girl, they take them to cliche boring old dates. I'm a diamond in the rough in that case then. I've been out with girls on what they called a 'date' but I had never truly felt it was a date. Those 'dates' had been more like acquaintances attempting to hanging out like friends instead of a date. But this, no, this was a real-life, in person, date right here. It took some time to plan, but I had wanted the date to be perfect and come from the heart, something I think Beckett appreciates more than he would appreciate a typical date at the movies or restaurant. I wanted it to be special, more original. I didn't want our date to sound like it came out of almost every teen fiction book imaginable. Cliches aren't for me. I refuse to be a freaking cliche for the pleasure of the audience.

Getting the idea for the date wasn't hard but getting it all set up and getting myself ready for the actual date was the hard part of the night. I had to set up, shower, get dressed, pick up Beckett, all within an hour a thirty minutes. I hadn't planned timings very well. It was working out pretty well all things considered. I had to go out on Thursday to get all the lights and extension cords that would blend into the night so that they wouldn't look tacky. I wanted everything to be perfect. Just the way I imagined it in my head. It needed to be perfect, Beckett deserved perfect and more. He always would.

The lights and stuff hadn't actually cost as much as I had originally thought they were going to, which was definitely a perk. Not that I wouldn't have spent every single penny of the money I had on me to make sure this date was perfect, but I have a feeling Beckett would have been more mad than happy about that. I have a feeling he wouldn't want me to spend that much money on something a simple as a date, even though to me it was anything but simple. It was rather complex, or it was in my mind. It was our first date! They say you never forget your first date, or first anything except steps and words because we can't remember that far back.

Once we both remembered we needed air we disconnected our lips but our foreheads remained on each other. Beckett had his eyes closed, pink covering his cheeks as he sighed in content. A sense of pride filled my chest as I realized that he was content with the kiss I gave him. It made me happy even though it was a weird thing to be happy about. I knew it was weird which made it less weird. Or I think that it made it less weird. Smiling at him, even though I knew he wouldn't see it, I leaned up slightly, planting a kiss on his forehead, startling him. I smiled at him. His current shocked face reminded me of a startled wide-eyed, kitten. It was so cute and looked so precious on him. He was simply adorable. Leaning away from him, a smile trapped on my face, I lean back and force myself to sit on my knees, since sitting criss-cross was uncomfortable to me. He smiled back at me.

Beckett moved until he was sitting on his knees as well, and I tilted my head at him before glancing at my phone to check the time. Time seemed to fly during our date, for what had felt like thirty minutes had actually been two hours and forty-five minutes. I knew in order to keep respect with his guardians that I'd have to return him soon but god I didn't want to. I wanted to keep him with me and never let him go ever again. I would be fine with never letting him go if I could, I would.

"I have to take you home now," I whispered in his ear, and he nodded and agreed with me after seeing what time it was. I push myself off the ground and I lean down to help him up as well, which made him blush slightly and him muttering that he wasn't a girl. Chuckling at him, I walk behind him, grabbing the picnic blanket and turn the lights off, decided I return to get them tomorrow instead of risking a twenty minutes takedown and potentially a twisted ankle to get the lights out of the tree. Unlocking my vehicle, Beckett climbs into the vehicle. I get into the driver's seat and begin to drive him towards his house, wanting him to get home safely before it got really late.

Pulling into Beckett's driveway, I smiled over at him and watched as he unbuckled his seat belt.

"Well, thank you for the date!" Beckett said, a blush covering his cheeks. He turned to get out of the vehicle before I grabbed his wrist stopping him.

I pulled him closer to me and kissed him on the lips, before leaning back and whispering over his lips . . .

"Will you be my boyfriend, Beckett?"

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