Chapter Three: Alone

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Reese P.O.V

Walking down the school hallway, I glare at a group of girls who were watching my every move with both lust, hesitation, and even fear. My glare seems to make the four girls lusting me, turn around and face there lockers, some with pale faces others with a reddish tent to theirs.

I smirk quietly to myself as I continue down the hall and back towards Science class before a scowl appears back on my face. That little brat. My partner, sadly I can't remember his name though I know he told me. Why I had to do a project with a little hyper ball of light I don't know but apparently, our teacher thought we'd be perfect partners. I'd really rather be partnered with someone else but I can't change my partner, that's the bad thing about Mr. Turner, he doesn't allow partner changes and he isn't intimidated by myself, which isn't something most people can say. It's rare to find someone that isn't deathly afraid of me. It's probably because of my tall height, I'm 6'4" which probably explains why most people are afraid of me, I'm known as the bad boy, though I did nothing to ever gain the title. I've never bullied or hurt anyone, all I've ever done is glare at people and that's not illegal or against the school rules so I've done nothing wrong by glaring the life out of my peers.

I bump into someone while walking towards my class, and I look down to see it was Raren, I didn't know much about him other than he was a bully, so I just pushed past him without apologizing, some people I apologize too, some people are evil and don't deserve an apology and should be apologizing to the people they've hurt. People like Raren should be apologizing to his victims instead of looking at me like I was crazy not to apologize. Well, he was looking at me like that until he realized who exactly he was expecting an apology from.

That's right, don't expect an apology from me you little bully. I'm not going to apologize to the likes of you.

I hurry towards the door of Mr. Turner's room and walk into the class, a frown on my face and I glare at any of my peers who turned and looked to see who walked in. It's none of there business who walks in, they shouldn't even be looking at me, I don't know them personally so they should just mind there own dang business.

I walked right over to my desk as I always do. I had my own desk since nobody had enough guts to sit next to, or near me. I look up after hearing many people greet whoever entered after me and saw it was my partner and based on people who greeted him his name is Beckett. I just realized that he smiles a lot. His smile is so bright that I had to look away because of how powerful the smile is. I don't like his smile, something about it is wrong, but I can't put my finger on it. It's probably nothing but I'll eventually figure it out. Probably not anytime soon. Once the boy saw me, his eyes lit up and he skipped his way to me.

After class yesterday I asked around about Beckett and found out he's gay, something I didn't know about before but probably should have been able to figure it out on my own. It wasn't as if it wasn't very obvious.

Once he made it up to my desk, he leaned on it, a smile seemingly stuck on his face. His sandy blonde hair falling onto his forehead slightly giving him a good boy look and his bright blue eye made him look innocent and full of life.

"What?!" I snapped at him. He didn't even flinch which kind of shocked me, but also made me question him. Why hadn't he jerked or flinched? Some of the coldest people in the school had flinched at me snapping at them.

Beckett smiled even wider at me. "Today." I tilt my head at him absolutely confused about what he was talking about and he must have figured that out as well because he let out a little giggle which made me glare at him. "We can study tonight," Beckett said which made me mentally smack myself for not realizing it before that second.

"Okay," I said straightforwardly not wanting to drag this conversation out and Beckett seemed to figure that out.

"Met me outside the school at 3:15 sharp okay?" He asked and I nodded wanting him to disappear and when I looked back up he was gone. I looked around and found him laughing with a group of kids in the front of the class. He looked in his element standing there, laughing with kids. It made me wonder how many friends he actually has before I scowl at myself, I don't care how many friends he has it's none of my business and I don't care at all.

He's not important to me.


I seriously am starting to hate this boy. It's 3:19 and I'm starting to think he was lying when he told me we were studying today, well I was thinking that when he walked, well rushed, out of the school and hurried over to me as quickly as possible.

"I'm sorry about being late, I had to call my brother . . ." Beckett said with a sheepish look on his face and looked down at the ground as if he was desperately sad about what he said.

"Fine," I say glancing at him with a cold look. He just smiled at me and gestured for me to follow him which I did silently as we began to walk off the school lot We walked for maybe fifteen minutes before making it to an average house. So we walked. It makes me wonder why we couldn't have just done this yesterday. It wasn't raining but I didn't want to outright ask him. We walked up to the house and opened the door and walked in.

Inside was a normal living room, maybe a little dusty like no ones took an effort in cleaning for a while. I saw a normal kitchen, but it had dishes piling up in the sink. Beckett just continued to walk, heading towards a set of stairs and walked up them, making me rush slightly to follow him. Upstairs was almost the same as downstairs, average but slightly dusty. There were small dents in the lower part of the wall. I ignored it.

He walked me into an average sized room which was filled with color and life. It had walls cover in purple and a poorly painted pink ceiling. His bed was a normal green color with pink pillows and a small stuffed unicorn sitting in front. A small push up a chair in the corner and a desk with nothing but a small desk light and a couple books and a small pencil holder with pens and a stapler.

A small spinny chair at the desk was where Beckett said I could sit. We instantly started to study since there wasn't anything else to do. About forty minutes later Beckett said he had to go to the bathroom. He got up and left and I took that as a sign that I could look around his room.

I got up and looked at the closet opening it and finding a picture of Brad Pitt on the door. I laugh quietly. The clothes looked bright and colorful.

I close the closet as if I never opened it and walked over to the small bedside table. It had a stack of books. While looking at the books I rested my hand on the wall next to a small cartoon unicorn poster. While doing so I knocked the poster down. I panicked before I saw a large punch mark that the poster had been covering up. On the other side of the mark was a ward of money in a filthy room. In a hurry, I covered the mark back up.

I return to my seat and pretend like nothing ever happened.

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