Chapter Eleven: Epiphany

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Beckett P.O.V

As I had guessed, Reese wasn't all too pleased to be having to take me to Walmart on a school night but when I said it was for medication, he backed off a little. Now he was driving the short distance to the local in town Walmart while unknowingly pouting. It was kind of adorable, not that I would tell him that, I think he'd fight me over saying that. I bet in his mind he's all masculine and tough. He would most likely be offended if I called him cute. It would most likely harm his masculinity . . . that is if he has any.

But it was funny to see him pout about going to Walmart, I could mentally hear him complaining and his biggest argument had been the fact that it was getting late and that we had school tomorrow. He seemed to think that I cared that it was a school night, I could live with going to bed an hour or so late. It wasn't the end of the world. I was honestly glad to simply be getting out of the house and away from my chaotic life, even if it's only for an hour at max. I wish someone would take me shopping without me kind of making them, especially with the fact that my family never goes shopping together, either my brother is high, not home, dad's at work, or mom's being unfaithful, there is never time for the poorly held together family. When I was younger, we actually went out. Then dad got more shifts. My brother became addicted to drugs, mom started to cheat, so on and so forth.

When we pulled up to the parking area of our local Walmart, and I let Reese pick where we parked because the medicine was in the middle so it didn't matter which side of the Walmart he parked. It would take just as long to walk from either side. I personally like the layout of this Walmart but others have complained that it didn't make any sense. Well, forget sense. Who needs things to make sense when all you need is to know the layout.

Reese parked in the third row, closer to the home and living section, not that it mattered. We got a pretty good parking space if I do say so myself. I wouldn't have picked a better spot honestly. I hop out of Reese's vehicle with a spring in my step. It has been a while since I've had a trip to any Walmart, not that there is ever anything worth spending in there . . .

Except for the Birthday Cake Oreos. Now those are to die for. Thinking about it I should grab some of those as well, they sure are delicious and I haven't had any in what feels like forever. I deserve a little treat for having gone so long without them.

Smiling, I rush over to Reese like a little kid so I don't lose him. He is my ride. If he wanted to, he could drive away and I'd be forced to walk home . . . or ask one of my many acquaintances to come to pick me up. I'm sure at least one of them would if I asked nicely and promised something in return, like help on a test or something.

Reese looks down at me since he's like a whole foot taller than me or close to that. I'm under average so it makes sense, even worse he's over average so it really makes sense that he's having to tilt his head down to even look at me. I wonder how that is on his neck, having to constantly look down to see me, I think it would get annoying after a while honestly. I wonder if I'm annoying to him, he never really shows emotion around me so I can't really tell. I bet I am. I've been told by the few people who don't like me or fall for my calming charm that my presence can be annoying as crap and that they'd like me to not bother them. Those are the people who truly bothered me, they actually sometimes said that and it would really hurt my feelings because they'd get up close and personal, shaming me. Sometimes they didn't want to be my friends because of my sexuality and to them, I would rather us not be friends, especially if they couldn't accept me for being myself. I want non-homophobic friends only. Who needs homophobic friends! I only need me, myself, and Oreos. Yes, Oreos.

All anybody should need is Oreos.

Reese and I walked into the entrance of Walmart, me grabbing a buggy, which Reese took from me making me pout at his back, but allowing him as it would be less work for me. It took us a few minutes to make it to the medical area and when we did I walked right to where the cold and cough medication was. I grabbed two bottles, knowing that I'd need back up in case my brother found one. I'd have to hide them both in a separate place to protect them. I fling the bottles in the cart and begin walking quickly towards the candy aisle with a confused Reese following behind me. I bet he thought I was only getting cough medicine. Ha-ha, no. A boy needs his Oreos!!

I rushed into the aisle, rushing straight towards the section where Oreos have always been and saw them. The birthday cake gods. My favorite flavor Oreo. Whether it was the confetti-like texture or the vanilla tasting creme, I couldn't tell. All I knew is that two of those packages were calling my name I couldn't let them down. Not this time. I grabbed two before rushing back to the cart as Reese caught up and began to enter the aisle, I gently place the Oreos in the cart before looking up to the Reese to see his startled face and eyes contort into confusion before opening his mouth but I beat him to it.

"Okay, let's go," I said smiling at the boy who was seriously a grump, tilted my head to the side. I was hoping my cuteness would overcome his confusion. "I've grabbed everything I need." I said before heading off to find a cashier that was open so we wouldn't have to wait, or better yet.

Self-Check Out.

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