Chapter Fourteen: Better

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Beckett P.O.V

Waking up the next day had been a little unnerving and I decided the moment that I woke up and joined the world of the living that I would not be attending school. It just didn't feel right, to be going back when some much has gone on the day and night before. I also wasn't feeling well and would cough or sneeze at least once every other minute. It was awful and I was glad when no one came into my room around six forty-five to wake me for school. I never kept an alarm clock because of the occasional nights when dad or Ross were home they needed sleep. It was mostly because Ross would curse me out for having a beeping noise after he was coming down from whatever drug he had taken the night before. As much as I hated when my brother took drugs I didn't want to make the situation any worse than it had to be for him while he was coming down from the side-effects of the drugs. I knew the loud beeping noise of the alarm was disturbing to his headache ridden head.

Staring at the wall is what I seemed to do for a few hours without moving from underneath my warm covers. My phone was on my nightstand but I didn't have the urge to pick it up. There was nothing on my phone to do anyway. Everyone I knew, aside from my family, was at school. I knew they'd pick up the phone if they received a text but I didn't want to get one of my peers in trouble for texting in class. All conversations could hold off until after school and that is if I want to text anybody at all. Although I'm really cheery at school, I could hardly consider anyone I know a friend. Well, except Reese, but I think he'd punch me if I called him that.

Oh, Reese. I feel kind of bad for not being there to help him on the project but it was beside the point. I didn't feel like going to school and I think he had to know there was a possibility that I might not attend. I mean I was sick the other day, I passed out in class. It doesn't seem logical that I'd be attending the next day afterward. I am, however, glad I decided to bring my Walmart bags up with me because now I had my Oreos and medicine so I didn't have to leave the room until I felt an urge to go to the bathroom from down below. I doubt that urge would appear any time soon though so I could technically stay cooped up in my room forever without having to leave. If I could hold the urge until it was night then I could sneak out while everyone else was asleep and satisfy needs such as hungry and the restroom.

Sitting up after a while and glancing around my room, the only source of light that was provided without me getting up was the light from my single window, the sun shining through the blinds, regardless of the blinds even being in place. Shows you those blinds failed. They had one job to do and they go and mess that up. The simplest thing to do and the blinds couldn't do it. I should probably get more the next time I'm out of the house. I wonder if I asked if my dad would take me to get some, or better yet, I wonder if Reese would come with me to get some more blinds. I bet he would if I asked him nicely. There wouldn't be a reason for him to not come with me unless he had plans and I wouldn't bother him if he did.

Urg, this is stupid. I shouldn't be thinking about getting curtains, even though my brain was just thinking of these kinds of stupid things because my mind was trying to stay off the night before but I need to overcome that and face facts.

Dad had kicked mom out. As much as mom deserved it, she was still my mother and I love her even though based on the results of last night, she doesn't seem to really love me. It would be weird now, not having her in the house or seeing her cuddled up with whoever she had or was going to have sex with. It would be weird not having her in the house.

I had been staring at the wall when my door suddenly burst open and my attention instantly went to who was standing in my doorway, Ross. My brother looked like he always did, maybe a little cleaner but who knows. I looked at him without blinking which probably looked a little creepy and the only reason why I stopped was that I let out a sneeze. I rubbed my nose on my sleeve.

"Bro, f**king disgusting." My brother commented, causing me to look up at him and glare. I didn't need him in here if he was only going to be a butt. I wonder why he is in here. "So, dad's home and mom's not, did I miss something?" He asked trying to make it look like he didn't care about the topic but I could see right through him, he was curious and anxious about the situation just like I had been.

"Mom got caught last night by dad." My response was muffled by the blanket wrapped around me but due to the silence of my room and the house, it was easily heard. I looked up at him. "Dad kicked her out."

The silence was all I could describe the tension by, and my brother looked like he was processing all the information I just provided to him. He looked like he couldn't believe it before looking like he was cursing inside his head before turning around and walking out the door leaving me to gap at where he had been standing, a frown on my face.


Ross glanced around his room one last time. Everything he'd need was already packed. He had been planning this for a while and now seemed to be the best time. Everything had fallen into place. He was going to get clean. He just didn't need his family to know that. He didn't want to get there hopes up and if he failed to quit the drugs he's gotten so used to he knew they'd be disappointed. Now with mom gone out of the house, it was time to make his brothers life much simpler. Ross knew he has done stuff, involved his brother into things, that Beckett should have never had to experience. Ross wanted to apologize for everything but he didn't know how. He didn't know what words he could say that would express how truly sorry he was for everything he's done to his brother and more.

Ross glanced at the clock, scoffing at the time. He had to leave. He knew Beckett was asleep by now, as it was bordering eleven o'clock at night. His brother was not a night owl. Kevin would be asleep too. No one would stop him from leaving. He wondered if they'd even know he was gone, but Ross knew Beckett would. He would question his disappearance, if not get concerned at the least. Ross didn't know how long his potential recovery would take, all he knew was he was doing it for Beckett. He deserved a brother he could be proud to introduce to his chosen partner. Grabbing his duffle bag and tossing all the drugs he had away or into the toilet, Ross walked into Beckett's room.

Walking straight to where his brother was sleeping, a slight heaviness to his brothers breathing was all that could be heard.

Ross got onto his knees right in front of Beckett's bed, resting his head on his brother's bed.

"I guess this is goodbye, Becky. You deserve a brother you can look up to, go to for guidance, and I haven't been that brother to you, have I? I'm sorry I failed to be a good brother. But mom is gone and I'll leave to, so you can finally have a semi-normal last few years of teenagehood. I love you, and hopefully, you'll hear from me soon." Ross got off of his knees, dusting them off and leaning down to kiss his brothers forehead, before walking out of Beckett's room and the house entirely before not a trace was left that he had ever been there in the first place aside from Ross's room having a bed still inside of it.

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