Chapter Eight: River Of Tears

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Beckett P.O.V

I woke up to a severally sore throat and inside the school's nurse office. I felt so sick, and then I came to the conclusion that I hadn't walked to the nurse by myself. At least I couldn't remember going to the nurse by myself. The last thing I remember was being in class, mostly falling asleep in class. Well, is it truly falling asleep if you somewhat passed out? I didn't purposely want to fall asleep, especially within class. I would never purposely effect my academic career, I've seen what it does to people, aka my brother, and I don't want that ever for myself and I think if my brother could go back that he would completely take back himself from ever taking drugs. I like to hope that he would take it back, but I don't know my brother as well as I used to be able to say I was. I wish it wasn't this way but you can't truly take that stuff back. I wish he could.

I blink a couple times to allow my eyes to adjust to the lighting of the nurse's office. The lights were bright overhead and were honestly giving me a headache like never known, like never imaginable. It was . . . weird. I wasn't used to headaches, at least not inside of the school. I'm more used to having them the moment I return home, occasionally to one of my brother's withdrawals. Usually, when Ross has a withdrawal it has some sort of hallucination to associate with it. That is usually what happens with my brother's withdrawals and unfortunately, my mother doesn't really understand what is wrong with my brother as she is rarely at home. I usually have to help my brother through withdrawals. I'm used to Ross crying, shaking, him having his self-esteem at it's lowest, and it hurts me to see my brother, someone who was once so independent and calm, perfect in my eyes, falling apart simply because he hasn't had his fix of whatever he was taking before. I was actually more used to him screaming and having to just watch because I can't really help him without giving him what he thinks he needs. It hurts having to see that, to watch what happens when you usually only see stuff like that on a television drama, not within your own house, within your family. It's heartbreaking in a way and yet it's all Ross's fault I can't change his decisions. I never could and I don't think I ever will be able too either.

When my eyes finally adjusted I looked around to ensure myself that it was really the nurse's office that I was in, and when I was assured I sat up, or I tried too. Something heavy was weighing me down, and it took me a moment to realize that it was an arm. A semi-muscled arm. For around six seconds I was really, really concerned and panicked slightly when I wasn't entirely sure who had their arm wrapped around my waist. Kind of holding me down to the bed. It had freaked me out until I realized I semi-knew who the person was. Reese. Then I panicked again because one, he didn't page me for someone who liked to wake up and have their arm wrapped around someone's waist, regardless it had freaked me out. I hadn't expected anyone to be in here, maybe the nurse but that was it. Not Reese of all people. To me, it truly came off that Reese really didn't like me. In any way, he seemed to completely despise even being near me at first and it was sad, I truly hated that he didn't like me. I disliked it was when someone didn't like me, especially when I have done nothing to them, which practically described me and Reese's relationship, there really isn't a relationship at all considering our interactions, which is very weak all things considering. I truly thought he considered me annoying but I guess I might have been wrong since I don't think you wrap your arm around somebody you find annoying's waist, that crap only happens in books. I really hate books like that.

I was kind of afraid to move all things considering. I've heard of the crap Reese does to people, and he kind of sounds like a bully, not that I want to be someone to judge but bullying isn't right and after a while if enough people say it's happening, it's kind of hard to say with complete certainty that it isn't accurate. How am I supposed to know if he's a bully without seeing or experiencing it for myself? I can't.

All things aside, I couldn't really move because of his arm, that and I was severely afraid to wake him up, who knew of the wrath that was trapped within him. That's when I stopped to take a good look at him.

He honestly looked a whole lot calmer when he was asleep, all the stress from his life seemed to be washed off his face when he was unconscious. I kind of wished he looked this calm all the time, maybe he would be easier to approach in school if he didn't look threating all the time, not that him looking threating detered me in any way, shape, or form. I kind of had to get close to him, even if just for a while, because of the Science project. I know that makes me sound kind of like a jerk but I probably would have never approached him if it weren't for me and him being partnered together.

But thinking about it now, I'm glad he was the person I was partnered with, and I wouldn't trade partners for the world right now.

I give a small attempt to retreat from the tight hold he had on my waist and his arm didn't budge, and I don't think it had anything to do with the fact that it was a weak attempt, he has a pretty strong arm, I'll give him that. I wonder where he works out because this type of muscle isn't the kind you simply are born with, its definitely the kind you have to work towards.

Which is why trying to move his arm I got severely startled when a hand gripped my wrist.

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