RICHIE #1 Part one

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It was the first day back to school and I had to see my ex boyfriend Richie. Apparently, he'd already moved on from me and got a new girlfriend, Tasha Ferez. I walked into the front school gates and saw Tasha herself.

Y: You
R: Richie
T: Tasha
E: Eddie
B: Billy
S: Stan
M: Mike
BN: Ben
BY: Beverly

T: Hey, y/n.

Y: Uh, hi?

T: Just to let you know, Richie's still mine. Just because it's a new term doesn't mean you can go back to old ways.

Y: I know?

T: Just making sure.

Suddenly, Richie came over with Eddie.

E: Ah, both your girls in one spot, Rich!

T: Shut up, Eds. I'm his girl; not y/n.

R: Hmm, I'm not so sure?

T: Excuse me!?

R: Joking, joking.

I walked away because to be honest I didn't really want to listen to their crappy conversations especially when Richie was there. Then, Eddie called my name.

E: Wait, y/n!

Y: What?

E: Do you... wanna come to my party tonight?

Y: Sure.

E: Cool, see you then?

Y: Yeah.

He then walked back to Tasha and Richie who were both slammed against the lockers smooching.

E: Ew.

R: Be quiet, man!

E: That's so gross, get a room.

T: Whatever!

E: So, Rich, do you still like her then?

R: Who, me?

E: Yes, you dipshit.

R: Well, I don't really know. I mean she never even let me cum on her and- -


T: Baby, I let you cum on me...

R: I know, but you always take it off. You're 'spost to rub it in.

E: BLEURGH, are you done?


I went back home and got ready for the party (just skip what you're wearing, you guys can imagine what you wear).


I rang the door and Richie opened it.

R: Finally, you're so late

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