MIKE #1 Part three

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OMFG tysm for 1.17K yasss❤️ On my other story I promised you if I hit 1K on both my stories I'd do a face reveal and I've hit 1K on both now so uh😂

17K yasss❤️ On my other story I promised you if I hit 1K on both my stories I'd do a face reveal and I've hit 1K on both now so uh😂

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It was the day after and Dustin said I could come to Mike's house again with him. We knocked on the door and Lucas opened it.

L- hey guys, how's your head after yesterday y/n

Y- horrible, your stupid numbered friend has issues

L- I know I know

Lucas shrugged as we all made our way down to the basement. As Mike saw me he began to rest his head on Eleven's shoulder and hugged her.

M- Love you El

E- I love you too Mike

I rolled my eyes as I knew that all Mike was trying to do was make me jealous and I had to find a way to pretend I wasn't. I walked up to Lucas who was sat on the other sofa.

Y- Hey Lucas

L- Oh hey again y/n

Y- I must say you're looking fresh today

I giggled and stroked Lucas' shoulder. Mike looked over at us and made a face meaning "what the fuck". He then looked back at El.

M- El you're the best

E- Aw

El and Mike snuggled up and giggled together; oh bitch nah.

Y- I just realised how buff you are

L- ah well this man works out twice day so that's what I was likin to here

Y- oh AHAHAHA you're SO funny Lucas

Dustin, Max and Will all exchanged glances and shook their heads. Mike then stood up and walked over to me.

M- You, out

Y- M-me?

M- Yes you

Y- Why? What did I do?

M- just leave

Mike pointed at the door leaving everyone looking at us. I wanted to kick him UGH; no I can't say that. There is one thing I could say.

Y- Okay, oh and thanks for yesterday

Mike suddenly went really red.

L- Eh?

Y- oh you haven't told anyone?

M- no because you're talking shit

Y- am I? Wait so I dreamed that you undressed me yesterday and started kissing me and that I told you to stop and it took you ages to realise? And that- -

Mike grabbed me by the arm and stood me up whilst pushing me towards the door.

L- What the- -

D- Mike can you not be so aggressive with my sister

M- she's LYING

Y- No why would I lie about something like that!? Do you guys remember when you accidentally caught me naked in the bathroom

MM- Hard to forget

W- wait so that's why you were naked! Because Mike- -

D- Nearly banged You!

Mike let go of my arm.

M- Right that's it, y'all can all get out

W- Seriously?

M- yep do I look like I'm taking the piss?

E- Even m-me? I should be the one kicking you out of your own house! You cheater!

We all went out of the house leaving Mike all alone.

Y- What is wrong with him?

Everyone ignored me.

Y- Guys?

L- did you flirt with me to make Mike jealous?

Y- N-no, I?

L- did you?

Y- Why are you asking

L- so you did, bye guys

Lucas shook his head and walked off with Will and Max by his side.

Y- ugh

Dustin started walking off without me.

Y- wait up!

D- honestly the fact you did that makes you as guilty as Mike is, I don't want to talk to you right now

Y- Bro please, I have no one right now

D- I wonder why that is

Y- Hey if you hate me i don't care but atleast can you pretend like you care

D- Pretend? I don't know about you y/n but I don't pretend because I'm not fake. I'm not like you.

And then he just carried on walking with me.

Richie Tozier Mike WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now