RICHIE #1 Part five

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It was the day after and I was walking into the school front gates and walked to where Richie and I usually met at the beginning of the day but instead when I went there I saw something else; Richie was there with another girl!

Y: Rich?

R: Oh hi y/n

Y: Who's this?

R: Nadia

N (Nadia): Who are you Then?

Y: y/n, why are you here?

N: I'm Richie's girl bitch

Y: what? No you're not

Richie looked down at the floor with a sorry look on his face.

Y: So you just switch girls like that? Do you just like to GET IN GIRLS' PANTS and then screw them over for another slut!? I thought you'd changed this time! Fuck you Richie Tozier

R: Y/n

Y: WHAT dickhead

Richie just looked at me without any words coming out of his mouth.

Y: I thought you liked me for real

I tear trickled down my face.

N: Sweetpea can you cry somewhere else?

I pushed Nadia into Richie and ran off. I'd also then remembered first lesson was science and I had to unfortunately sit next to Richie. I sat down in my space and Richie made his way to our desk and sat down as well.

Teacher: Right class simmer down

Richie turned to me.

R: Reckon she'll shut up instead of us?

He giggled and I sat there rolling my eyes.

Y: No but can you?

R: Nah

Y: I wish I could just bang you in the head with a metal baseball bat

R: you mean bang me with your pussy

Y: fucking dick

I got out of my chair and stormed out of the classroom.

R: is it something I said? Y/n!?

Richie got out of his chair and followed after me.


The teacher came chasing after us so Richie and I swerved right and went into the janitors closet until the teacher's footsteps couldn't be heard anymore and she had probably gone back to the classroom.

Y: wow now I have to be stuck in this closet with a dipshit

R: why are we wasting our time in here

Y: what do you mean

Richie tried to kiss me but I pushed him.

Y: I am NOT having sex in here and especially not with YOU. What is wrong with you?

R: but I want your love


R: baby, ple- -


R: Okay shush be quiet we don't want the teacher to find us!

Suddenly something from the top of the cupboard on the shelf fell off and nearly smacked me in the face but Richie swerved right in and pushed me out of the way and we both ended up being on the floor face to face with Richie... on top of me.

R: Talk about not having sex

Y: T-thanks but I still hate you

R: WHAT!? You could've DIED!

Y: oh yeah, a thick book falling off a shelf would've definitely killed me

R: well you never know

Y: Now can you get off of me?

Richie placed his finger on my lip so that I couldn't speak.

R: Say what?

Y: Ridhasks skakskja skakskja

R: I'm sorry what was that?

I pushed Richie's finger out of the way.

Y: Stop. You can't just want me after going for that bitch

R: Okay okay I'll break up with her

Y: NO it doesn't work like that. Rich, when you get a girl you have to keep her and not switch otherwise there's no point in it, is there? You don't just marry someone and then divorce them the minute after because you want to be with one of the bridesmaids or some shit!

R: Wait, you wanna get married?

Y: no you idiot it was an example fucking hell

R: Can I Be hell😏

Y: what do you mean?

R: you said you're fucking hell, so I wouldn't mind being hell

I kicked Richie in the balls.


Y: That's what ya get

Suddenly Richie pressed his lips against mine and put his hand under my skirt. I didn't stop because I knew I wanted it; especially from Richie. I hated him but loved him at the same time. Plus he's a ladies' man. Who could blame him? But I wanted him to be mine and only mine.

Richie unbuttoned my shirt and threw it whilst watching me gaze into his four eyes.

R: well I guess you did want it after all

Richie Tozier Mike WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now