MIKE #1 Part five

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It was a week after and Mike and I were officially dating. Everyone decided to go to the forest to have a picnic altogether.

At the picnic

D- Max, did you bring the sandwiches?

MM- duh

Y- Me and Dustin brought popcorn

E- I brought eggos

M- I brought crisps

L- and I brought myself...

D- Lucas you were meant to bring the sweets!?

L- sorry guys

W- I brought slugs that I can spit out of my mouth

Everyone- .......

W- JOKING I brought fruit and ice cream

M- thank fuck for that

Mike turned to me to kiss me on the cheek.

M- You alright, sweetpea?

Y- couldn't be better

W- you two really like each other

D- Yeah I'm surprised you haven't banged yet


MM- you boys are gross

Mike and I stayed quiet.

D- wait hang on a moment YOU ALREADY HAVE HAVEN'T YOU

M- our lips are sealed

I blushed bright red and couldn't help it.

W- oh my god you guys

L- where did you do it?

Y- ...the cafe

L- SHIT NAH that's the worst place to do it

MM- how far did you go?

I used an cylinder shaped ice cream to pretend I was sucking and Mike bit his lip and couldn't help smiling whilst I pretended to suck dick.

E- What are you doing


Mike picked up a peach and licked it.


Mike winked at me and I returned the wink.


E- he is just licking a peach how is that gross

L- you don't get it Eleven

E- oh

Suddenly we all heard something coming from further down into the forest.

D- anyone hear that?

Y- Uh oh what was that

Mike put his jacket around me as I was shivering and then cuddled me as he could see I was scared.

M- baby girl it's gonna be okay

MM- bleurgh get a room


E- Demogorgan

D- no

We all looked at Dustin.

D- it's a demodog

M- What the fuck is that?

D- it's like the demogorgan but way faster


I barely knew what was going on and before I knew it something was holding me and it wasn't Mike. It was the demodog.


I could feel it dragging me and it's slimy dark skin and nails scraping against my chin.


Suddenly I heard a grunt and the sound of slicing and when I looked back behind me Mike was standing there with a long stick with the demodog on the floor.

M- Y/N!

Suddenly I fainted and the last thing I saw my boyfriend calling out to me.


I cautiously opened my eyes to see myself in a similar place; Mike's basement. He was looming over me and smiling as I was rubbing my eyes and benefiting from the view in front of me.

M- how are you feeling?

Y- I had a dream I nearly got killed by a demo thingy. It looked disgusting! But then you came and saved me and then I passed out. Whew, what a dream!

Mike looked at me and giggled.

M- that wasn't a dream silly

Y- wait so that was REAL!?

M- yep

Y- so you s-saved me?

M- gladly

Y- my saviour

Mike leaned in for a little kiss.

M- here I made you a cak- -

N (Nancy)- oh so this is the girl you always talk about. Hi y/n I'm Nancy

Y- hiya Nancy

N- Mike always talks about you

M- okay Nancy I think she gets it

N- he wuvs you swo much

M- Nancy!

Mike and Nancy were play fighting in front of me and I giggled because of how funny they were.

Y- #siblinggoals

M- more like #iloveyouy/ngoals

Y- I love you too mike Wheeler

Mike leaned over for another kiss forgetting that Nancy was still in the room watching us.


Mike jumped out of his skin and then turned behind him.

M- you scared the shit out of me

N- bet you I did

She walked out the room still dying of laughter whilst Mike locked the door behind him.

M- she's so annoying

Y- I like her she's funny

M- Uh oh

Y- What

M- she's probably put you under a spell, better break it before it's too late

Y- oh how do you break the spell

Mike giggled.

M- I know how

He leaned back in and started kissing me slowly so we could both get back into it whilst tilting my head backwards; in my point of view the spell's already been broken.

Richie Tozier Mike WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now