RICHIE #2 Part six

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My heart is aching so bad right now. I heard the door shut from downstairs and went down to find out it was Lucy. Bitch, get your skanky ass out of my mother fucking household.

L- hey! So you know the dude I was going out with?

Y- yes?

L- we banged! Whoops, was that loud?

Y- no not at all

I wanted to slap her silly but I knew I would never have the guts to.

L- he said something about a girl name y/n and I thought it might be you seeing as you said you know a guy called Richie

Y- are. You. Dumb.

L- Excuse me?

Y- that's my richie. The guy you banged.

Lucy's jaw dropped and then she laughed it off.

L- awe poor you anyways toodles gotta go shower after Richie's orgasm

Y- What the hell is wrong with you!?

I slapped Lucy and then punched her and kept kicking her until she wasn't getting up.

Y- rotten mother fucking skanky ass bitch hoe slag whore female dog

L- ow!

Where's mom in all this!? I walked out of the front door and slammed it behind me. I cried louder than ever and dropped on the grass in the front garden and let out all my tears. I saw a pair of shoes step in front of me. Those shoes. Richie's shoes. I looked up to see him looking sideways at me.

R- y/n, I hurt you, didn't I?

Y- yes

R- take my hand


R- please... baby

The b word caught my attention. Richie held his hand out for me to stand up, so I stupidly grabbed it and stood up.

R- come inside

Y- I'm not going back in my house! Nuh-Uh!

R- that's fine. Because you're coming to mine

Y- ugh idiot

Richie squeezed my hand and walked me into his house. I saw Zoey who looked confused.

Z- Y/n!

Y- Zoey!

Z- Richie if you hurt her again I'll snap your head off

R- she's mine not yours

Z- really because we... totally made out at the pool, right y/n?

I gulped. What is Zoey doing? She winked at me to tell my to go along with it.

Y- yes

R- Zoey I hate you

Z- I mean not that it bothers you because you were sexing it up with Lucy frog face

R- I thought I was frog face

Z- true

R- well y/n isn't bisexual so dream on

He tugged my hand harder and took me up to his room and then he shut the door behind him.

⚠️SMUT. If you don't like smut, don't criticise me because I've warned you lot and also this bit will be in speech marks for some bits⚠️

Y- why? Why did you cheat?

I asked as we lied on his bed.

R- because... I didn't think you'd be ready for what I wanted to do with you... so I asked someone else but just for one day!

Y- Richie what the fuck

R- but I don't actually like Lucy!

Y- ...

R- but maybe I could make it up to you?

He licked his lips.

Y- How tho- -

My words were cut off by his lips smashing onto mine. We shared a wet passionate kiss. He rolled on top of me and stuck his hand down my shorts.

Y- Rich I'm scared

R- don't be baby

Y- it'll hurt

R- follow my lead, I'll be gentle I promise baby

I took Richie's words to heart and let him slide my shorts down.

R- wow

He admired my thighs and stroked them whilst I took his top off. He took my shirt off and then he wiggles his shorts down so he was only in his boxers. He took them off revealing what was in between his legs. He started kissing my thighs then going higher up to my female area.

"Richie put it in!" I moaned loudly.

"baby it'll hurt okay?" He stroked my boob.

Y- o...okay

I felt him go right up me and saw a smirk cross his face as he moaned and gritted his teeth. I dug my nails into his back as I had to take in the pain which hopefully would soon turn into pleasure. He didn't move it so he stayed still.

"Move!" I moaned.

"Baby, this will hurt. Are you sure?" Richie asked.

"Yes please. Please move." I needed it.

Richie started moving slowly which caused me to moan with cracks in between.

"I know baby, it hurts. I know." He kissed me on the lips.

I heard Richie's moans.

"Your pussy is so wet." He said through gritted teeth. "Baby, If I'm hurting you too much tell me."

"I want it fast!" I shouted.

Richie, without hesitation thumped me faster than I thought he would as he was sucking my tit at the same time. He took it out of me and lied down next to me so I rolled over and kissed the cap of his willy. I heard Richie's moans. I kissed further down and then sucked the whole thing rubbing it at the same time.

"Baby, oh my." Richie held my hair back for me.

I moaned and when I was finished I began to kiss Richie whilst rubbing it.

"I want to hear more of your screams. I want you against my wall." Richie moaned and whispered at the same time.

I stood up as we both kissed against the wall. He inserted his bud into my a hole building the pace second by second. He kissed my neck as we were both against his wall. He chewed and nibbles on it leaving a green and yellow hickey. I screamed at the pain of the two activities being done at the same time.

"It hurts?" Richie started going slower.

"Go faster, baby." I moaned.

"It hurts you. No." Richie licked my new hickey.

"I don't care if it hurts!" I said.

Richie went faster and slapped my butt at the same time. I screamed and Richie put his hand on my mouth.

"Yes!" Richie went faster.

After five minutes he took it out and we went back onto the bed. He started licking my clit and kissing it slowly and then without a warning stuck three fingers up.

"UH!" I moaned in pain, tugging on Richie's hair.

I heard his moans as he fingered me whilst licking me.

"Oh, Rich!" I howled.

Richie looked up at me and smirked, still fingering me. He took his three fingers out as I watched him lick them and put his finger in his mouth. his face lit up. He stuck his fingers in my mouth too and then kissed me.

"I'm cumming now." He said between kisses.

He squirted on my kit kat and groaned.

"It feels great." I moaned.

For the rest of that night we were making round 2 more about the pleasure.

And that stops there🙈

Richie Tozier Mike WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now