MIKE #2 Part six

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I had to run to the airport as soon as I could. Why did Mike ever think of moving to South Africa?

Y- I'm sorry Dustin I have to go!

D- wait! Where?

Y- to find mike! I love him!

D- wait, y/n—

Y- no time! What time is his flight?

D- Uh, 4:30pm?


I ran out of the school and grabbed a random bike. Actually, the airport on a bike would be 1 hour. I chucked the bike on the floor and went to a car, looking around before I smashed the glass and climbed through the window into the drivers seat.

Y- fuck, I don't even know how to drive

I turned the engine on and the start of the car scared me and then I began to hold onto the wheel and steer different roads. Maybe this wasn't so bad. I knew exactly where the airport was and got there in 15 minutes.

As soon as I arrived, I opened the car door viciously and slammed it as I climbed out. I then ran into the airport and looked at the gates.

South Africa- Now boarding

Fuck, I whispered to myself. I ran to the South African gate and there an air hostess woman was about to close the door to the plane.

Y- no!

The woman looked at me and then walked over.

AH (air hostess)- may I help you?

Y- m-my... I don't know what he is to me but he's special! He's in there and I NEED to get to him! Please!

Tears were coming out of my eyes.

AH- oh sure, darling. Don't cry!

She rubbed my back and gave me a tissue. She then opened the door to the airplane and I walked through the one isle trying to find where Mike was. I saw jet black scruffy hair poking from behind one of the seats. And then I knew it was him.

I ran to the seat and sat Mike looking awfully upset and looking at pictures of us in his photo album.

Y- mike!

His attention snapped to me.

M- y-y/n?

Mike as quickly as possible unbuckled his seat belt and squeezed me.

Y- oh my god, don't do this. Don't go!

M- I have to y/n/n

Y- but I don't wanna lose you!

M- I don't either

Y- so what will make you stay!?

M- I don't know!

I couldn't take it anymore. I kissed him with passion and everyone on the plane "ooed" us. I didn't stop kissing him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he snaked his arms around my hip. After we parted, he smiled at my lips and then gazed into my eyes.

M- you are a fighter y/n l/n. That's why I love you.

Y- I love you too mike

I pecked him on the lips again.

Y- so are you staying or what?

Mike looked down and then back up into my eyes.

M- I love you, of course I won't leave you

I chuckled and hugged him tighter than before. And that's the story of how Mike Wheeler and y/n Wheeler got married seven years later with three kids named Ashlyn, Scarlett and Wes.

Richie Tozier Mike WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now