RICHIE #2 Part three

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I don't know what to think about Richie. Is he really everything Zoey described? Not that I care. But why did Rich get mad at me for looking at a fucking drawing? Suddenly I got a call on my phone from Eddie.

Y- hello?

E- hey y/n

Y- what's up

E- nothing much, bill and the boys wanted to ask if you wanted to come to the quarry with us?

Y- sure, I love quarries. When?

E- in maybe an hour

Y- okay that's fine

E- bye then

Y- wait! Is Richie going?

E- yes I think so

Y- oh b-bye

E- bye

I ended the call and sighed then went looking for a bikini to wear to go to the quarry.

*1 hour later*

I rode my bike to the quarry to find all the boys getting undressed. When I came Richie looked at me and mouthed sorry. I shrugged and put my bike down going over to them.

Y- hi

B- h-hey y/n, you c-came

Y- yeah I did, it's hot today so I needed a bit of a splash

When we were all undressed Richie kept looking at my body up and down and then he looked away whenever I saw him doing it.

S- alright, who's first?

Y- I'll go

I took a deep breath whilst walking back a bit so I could run up and then jump. I ran and jumped right off of the tip and wiggled my legs about before hitting the water.

R- What the fuck!?

S- shit we have to do that now

R- damn right we do

Richie jumped followed on by everyone else until we were all in the water. Richie and I splashed each other whilst the others were looking for animals underwater. I'd never seen Richie without glasses; he looked cute still. The others were looking for a turtle underwater and I felt something touch my leg.


Richie looked worried and dived under water but then came back up and started laughing.

R- It's a turtle!

B- Where!?

Y- that could've killed me for fucks sake

S- a turtle?

Y- yes...

R- okay well let's make sure it doesn't "kill you"

The boys all laughed at me and pointed whilst I rolled my eyes. When we were all done we dried off and sat by the rocks. Well, I was lying down on my towel and I could hear the boys whispering.

E- Richie you're such a creep, stop looking at her

S- Richie what the hell

R- what? There's a girl who's half naked in front of me. I'm not just gonna miss the opportunity to look!

B- get meds R- Rich

Y- you boys realise I can hear you clearer than I hear my mom snoring and she snores louder than my next door neighbors screwing

E- eww poor you

Y- I know right

R- we were j-just planning our science project

B- yeah the w-one where you have to figure out the parts of the female body

The boys all laughed at Richie and I joined in.

R- you guys are so annoying

S- back at ya Rich

It was an hour later and all the boys except from Richie were still there.

Y- so...

R- I'm guessing you're mad at me

Y- you kicked me out Richie so of course

R- sorry

Y- *sigh* it's fine, life's too short to be mad at people for the past

R- y/n... thank you for forgiving me. I never say thank you

Y- it's ok, but your sister sort of told me something yesterday I mean not that I care if it's true I just wanna know if it's a lie or not

R- let me guess? Is it possibly about a baby being pushed down the stairs?

Y- yes!

R- it's not true then. She made that up and told all her friends that. She's friends with Henry bowers so that's how he's so mean to us because he thinks I killed my own sibling

Y- I hate your sister

R- welcome to my world

Y- sorry for nearly believing her

R- life's too short to be mad at people for the past *wink* *wink*

Richie Tozier Mike WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now