MIKE #2 Part two

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It was the morning and I was again calling for Mike to come down for school.


I expected to hear him shouted "COMINGGGGG" or one of his Hulk lines, but no.


Mikes mom opened the door.

MMom (Mikes mom)- hello dear

Y- hey Mrs Wheeler

MMom- mike left a few minutes ago for school I'm afraid

Y- oh okay

MMom- are you okay?

Y- y- yeah I'm fine thanks, bye

MMom- bye!

I got back in the car as my mom drove me to school. Mike never walks to school? As soon I arrived I saw Mike with the rest. I walked over to them and greeted them.

L- hey there

Y- hi

D- yesterday was LIT, you two missed everything and plus the girls there just couldn't resist these pearls... grrrrrrrrrrr

W- not again

Y- hey mikey

M- Dustin that's pretty annoying, you sound like a cat


MM- guys I'm so tired

Y- mike we have math first shall we walk?

M- Lucas let's go to the toilets

Mike and Lucas walked off and Dustin, Max and Will turned to me.

Y- why is he ignoring me?

MM- I don't know, want me to find out?

Y- no no it's fine, I sit next to him in math class so I'll do it

MM- okay sure

D- to be honest he was pretty blunt on the group chat last night

I raised my eyebrow.

Y- what group chat?

Please don't tell me I'm being excluded in something.

W- the one mike made... oh whoops

MM- uhhhhh

Y- wait what?

D- Yh uh I gotta dash

Will and Dustin ran. Oh fuck this.

Y- do you guys secretly hate me or something?

MM- no, no! Of course not y/n. We love you and... to be honest I don't know why mike didn't add you

Y- when was the chat made?

MM- like months ago

Y- fuck this, Months ago!? I bet you I've been played!? No one likes me and no one ever will! I'm screwed, Madmax! SCREWED to the core! UGH!

I ran out of the school and cried. Tears streamed down my face. I couldn't help it. Did they even like me? Did they talk about me on that chat? Now I feel like the only friend I have is myself. Fuck this feeling. I'm even more sad about Mike. Wait, why am I sad about him? I should be angry at him? UGH DICKHEAD CAN SUCK MY DADS COCK I DONT CARE! One minutes he's all "OH ITS OUR NIGHT" AND THE NEXT HES IGNORING ME! Sorry but Mike can- -

M- y/n?

Ugh. Not this dickface. Mike sat down next me in the middle of Starbucks.

M- are you okay?

Y- am I okay? Okay is no where near how I'm feeling!?

M- Dustin told me he accidentally told you about the group chat...

Y- yeah about that... honestly you can talk trash about me as much as you want I don't care

M- hey y/n listen to me

I sighed.

M- there is nothing bad about you on that group chat! I didn't put you in it for a reason! And you'll know it soon

Y- ugh what are you gonna do, prank me?

M- no, you'll see

He winked.

M- it's something good though we've been putting together

Y- for me?

M- that's all the spoilers you're gonna get. Sip up

I sipped on my hot chocolate.

Y- why were you completely blanking me out this morning? If it was about yesterday- -

M- y/n, yesterday was intense. I just didn't know how to react to it today

Y- so you just... ignored me?

M- like I said yesterday was intense

Y- so... we good now?

Mike smirked.

M- yeah, we good. Come to mine. I wanna apologise to you.

Richie Tozier Mike WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now