MIKE #1 Part one

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It was a bright sunny day and my brother Dustin was going round to his friend Mike's house. Mike was the type of average guy that only a few girls liked but I didn't mind him. I didn't really have anything to do seeing as all my friends were on holiday; I'd asked Dad to go to the Bahamas but he said we didn't have enough money and that it was as expensive as 100 Gucci belts all put together. That's what he said at least.

M- Mike
L- Lucas
E- Eleven
W- Will
MM- Max (madmax)
J- Jonathon
S- Steve
N- Nancy
B- Billy
Y- You

Y- Ugh, I have NOTHING to do in the holidays!

D- Uh... you can come with me if you want??

Y- Where?

D- Mike's house

Y- All y'all are gonna do is play dungeons and dragons

D- Not necessarily

Y- "not necessarily"

D- Shut up, its up to you. Would you rather be alone or come

Y- Fine I'm coming


We arrived at Mike's house and Mike opened the door.

M- Hey Dustin... and y/n

D- is it okay if my sister stays too?

M- y-y-Yeah, of course. She... y-yeah

D- okay dude no need to stumble on your words

We walked in and took our shoes off and went downstairs into the basement where Max, Lucas and Will were. And then there was another girl... Her hair was short and she seemed to be not interested in anything the others were doing.

M- y/n, meet El! Short for Eleven

Y- Her name is Eleven?

E- Yes. Her name is y/n? Strange name.

Y- Really? I don't recall a number being an average name. Do you guys?

E- Mouth breather

M- Okay okay Uhm let's just say you guys got off on the wrong foot

Mike looked at me and blushed whilst I stood there blushing back. He then walked away. Suddenly, I felt like I was moving but I wasn't actually moving and I ended up being thrown into the book shelf and landing on my face.


M- OMG, y/n, are you okay?

Mike and Lucas ran over to me.

L- It was Eleven!

D- Eleven, seriously?

MM- What was that for?

E- Mike and y/n

M- What?

E- Flirting

M- 1. How do you know what that means? 2. We weren't flirting ew I don't even like her El you're my girl

Eleven smiled and death stared at me at the same time.

E- Good

I felt kind of hurt by what Mike said. I mean what was all that blushing?

Y- What the fuck is she? An alien? How did you shove me into those shelves without touching me!?

M- Uhm

L- She... uh- - she...

MM- Used string! Yeah you see Eleven LOVES to put strings on the ceiling and leave traps all around the house

Y- Weirdo

D- Is that the ice cream truck?


E- Do they sell ice cream eggos?

MM- They might

It kind of pissed me off that everyone cared about Ice cream more than my injury. They all ran upstairs apart from Mike and then it was awkward.

M- you okay? Sorry about her. She just- -

Y- Is a lunatic

M- No, she just gets protective

Y- Overprotective

Mike stroked the back of my head where my head got hit by.

M- I never thought of this but you're actually pretty cute

Y- oh thanks but it doesn't matter anyway seeing as you don't even like me aha

I fake laughed and made it pretty obvious my laugh was fake on purpose.

M- About that I sort of had to say that because of El

Y- do you actually like her?

M- Ofcourse

Y- Mhm

M- What?

Y- Well isn't she sort of... abusive?

M- No???

Y- Really? So you mean she doesn't throw you into the shelves and force you to go out with her

M- she didn't force me

Y- hmm yeah you don't say

M- hey I know you might find this weird but what's your- -


Shut the fuck up bro, I thought. Why did Dustin have to come in right in the middle of that question? What was he even going to say? Guess I'll never know.

Richie Tozier Mike WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now