MIKE #2 Part five

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Lucas and I went to go sit with the others as Eleven was still getting told off. Unfortunately Mike was there too.

L- Eleven better be expelled

MM- What happened?!

L- she hurt y/n and I

M- yeah because you were being IDIOTS

I pushed Mike off of his chair and threw his lunch on the floor. I was entirely fed up.


Mike frowned. I was so fed up of his bullshit.


I threw my lunchbox across the table and ran off. I didn't know where to but I ran somewhere peaceful and quiet away from frog face.

L- y/n

I turned around saw Lucas with a notebook in his hand.

L- mike... wanted me to give to you

Y- throw it away, I don't want it

L- y/n... c'mon

I rolled my eyes and snatched the notebook out of his hands.

Y- now can you go

Lucas widened his eyes and ran back off. Then my concentration was all on the notebook. I opened it to see a shitty drawing of me or atleast an attempted drawing of me. Mike's always been crap at drawing but I find it cute and funny. I flipped the page over again and saw a load of writing. Here we go.

Dear y/n l/n,

Im so sorry for what I did
I am an idiot, I know that
But you're really an amazing kid
Even though you can be a brat

But the point is I love you
Your smile, your face
And for all you've been through
Your skin, your race

I'm sorry again for me and El
I will forget her, I promise you
And as you can probably tell
I need you more than you do

So y/n, please forgive me
I honestly love you lots
You're like a big puzzle tree
And you connect the dots

And when the puzzle is done
You will be able to see
That the real meaning of love
Is basically you and me

So please come around
I need you in my dull life
Maybe things will turn out better
And you should forget your strife

I smiled at the poem; he's always been great at this. And he's always said about how he doesn't like anyone reading his poetry; not even me. But it's adorable how he just dedicated a whole poem to me. But wait, I can't forgive him THAT easily, now can I?

I decided to walk back to the group and put a light smile on my face, but when I arrived everyone was in tears and Mike was gone.

Y- what's going on? Why are we all crying?

L- Mike got really upset, y/n

Y- yes, I've established that but why are you all crying?

They all looked at me without responses, their faces covered by their hands.

Y-tell me!

Still no one spoke up.

Y- fine then I guess I'm done here! Right?

I stormed off when I heard someone tap my shoulder. Dustin.

Y- what do you want? You guys already act like I'm an outsider in the group!

D- what? You're not an outsider! We just don't want to hurt you!

Y- hurt me with what?

D- mike left

Y- for home?

D- no... he said he's leaving for...

Dustin looked down and grabbed my hand, rubbing the back of it with this thumb.

D- he's leaving to go to South Africa. His mom has a new job there and... he only told us today y/n

Now the waterworks. Hot burning tears trickled down my throbbing cheeks. If I'd have known he was moving all the way to Africa...
I needed to go after him. And fast. And convince him that he should stay. It probably won't even do much. I got out of Dustins tight grasp and ran off all the way to Mikes house. I might've told him I didn't want our relationship or whatever we had to carry on with Eleven around but I'm changing the way things work around here. Starting with Mike and ending with Eleven.

Hey it's me the author, so on all my stories I've been slow to update due to school reasons but I'll be more active now

Richie Tozier Mike WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now