RICHIE #1 Part two

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Last night was amazing with Richie; he had improved so much. I just felt so glad he decided to come back to me and away from Tasha. Today's just another day of school. I walked in the school and saw Richie himself.

R: Y/nn (your nickname)!

Y: Rich!

I ran up to him and gave him the hugest hug as he lifted me up and began to spin me around. When he finally put me down, I felt a bit of his soft lips and gave him a tiny peck.

R: Baby, who knew you'd be mine again?

Y: I thought you weren't over me... I was correct.


Y: What?

R: I don't know, I just felt like saying wrong when you're right

Y: Okay?

R: Hey, we have science first. Shall we walk together?

Y: Sure

We walked to science and both sat next to each other in the two empty seats.

T (teacher): So, the male will usually insert his penis which will also cause fertile eggs and sperms to go in the female's vagina.

R: Fuck yeah (whispers)

Y: Richie, what the- -

R: When we get home I'm shanking the shit out of you

T (teacher): As I was saying, in order to go through sexual intercourse, you need to NOT be on your period young ladies and men must not do you if they have already done somebody twice or three times a week as it can lead to infections. Any questions?

R: Me!

T (teacher): Go ahead

R: Me and y/n wanna bang tonight but we already did twice last night. Can we do it again?

T (teacher): Richie OUT!

Richie stood up whilst chuckling and made his way out of the classroom.

Y: Miss, he was only asking a- -

T (teacher): You can go out as well!

I stood up and rolled my eyes heading straight for the door and found Richie.

Y: Why'd you ask that Rich?

R: So we can confirm it's fine to bash tonight

Y: Tonight? I can't wait that long

I winked at Richie.

R: Well... seeing as we're out of class right now... wanna come round mine and do it?

Y: Yeah

Richie grabbed my hand and we went outside of the school gates whilst running to his house. When we came into his house his room had totally changed; his wallpaper was bright blue and he had a bigger bed... which was perfect.

Y: Nice bed

R: Thanks, I got it for my birthday from my nana

Y: That's cute

R: My parents aren't here so we can be as loud as we want

Y: Good, now we can...

R: How about we play a game?

Y: What game?

R: Where I bang you hard and fast

Y: That's not a game you dimwit

R: Oh well it is for me

Richie came closer to me and was then facing me as his arms were around my waist. His sweet breath was heating my skin and his glasses were gazing right at me.

R: So hot

Y: You are you mean

R: No you are, y/n

He took off my shirt for me and stroked my tits whilst biting his lips. I took his trousers off for him and looked at his bud, as if it grew even more overnight. He pulled his pants down and five minutes later we were kissing and in a position at the same time. I moaned out loud and Richie stopped pounding and kissing me for a second.

R: I don't know why I let you go

Y: Rich, I don't know why I let you go either

R: I need you

Y: So do I

Richie bit my lip and licked my lips and we were kissing on his bed for ten minutes non stop. He grabbed my butt and rolled over on top of me and then moaned for the first time.

R: Shit

Y: What?

R: I only moan when I really really really like someone

Y: Rich, what are you saying?

R: I don't know... I think I have really strong feelings for you that I'll never let go of

He took out his bud and laid down next to me.

Y: Aw, Rich it's fine you don't have to hide it, there's nothing to hide

R: Yeah you're... you're right. I love you.

Y: You too, Rich. You too.

Short chapter; I know! Next one is defo gonna be longer.

Short chapter; I know! Next one is defo gonna be longer

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Richie Tozier Mike WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now