chapter 15

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<your pov>

It has been a week since MagCon. You haven't been to school, because you knew people would look at you mad or laugh in your face as soon as you walked into the classroom. (Y/f/n) have texted you multiple times and asked where you were. But you didn't want to answer her texts. You were still mad at her for not telling what you've had done wrong. However you did read them. It was Sunday which meant that you had to go to school tomorrow, because mom couldn't take more days of her work, so you had to go. However you got a message from (y/f/n) saying: " (y/n) I just want to say I'm really sorry. I know I have said it multiple times. I have a guilty feeling, because if I had said something to you, you might where able to talk to him and clear things up. But I didn't and I witnessed what happened. Please come back to school, I really miss my crazy friend." Tears were forming in my eyes. I know she meant it, but I kept on ignoring her. Plus it isn't her fault, maybe she could have prevented it and maybe she couldn't. It's my fault, I shouldn't have been into Jack's life that much. Then I had a plan. I'm changing classes. In that way, I won't see him that often. "It's alright. I'm coming tomorrow. Can we meet up at Starbucks to talk things out. I've missed you too." You texted back. You opened you laptop and looked into you mails to see if you missed something important last week. You got a e-mail from mrs. Kikot "dear (y/n), if you read this e-mail could you mail me back if you will be there next week. In this email there is a document in which is showed when everyone will sing their songs in the canteen. I have planned that you'll do it next week. If you're feeling better and could do your task please let me now, because otherwise I will have to change the whole schedule. Much love mrs Kikot." You looked at the date the letter was sent. It was last week, which meant you had to sing your song this week. "Great" you said to your laptop sarcastically. The last thing you wanted to do is to draw attention this week. "Yeah, it will be okay". You mailed back. You looked through the rest of your inbox. Most emails were from twitter. The tweets people sent you couldn't believe that people could be so mean through the internet. The past week I have read all the tweets people had sent you. I don't know why I did that. You looked outside it was really warm outside, but you decided to put on a hoodie. You looked at your phone and saw you've received a text from (y/f/n) back. "Thank you for giving me your time to explain things I'll see you around 6 at Starbucks ?!" It said. "Yeah sounds great :)" you replied back.I got my pennyboard and headed to Starbucks. I knew where it was since I have visited this place every day, when I was skipping school. You saw (y/f/n) sitting. What should I do should I just say hi,wave or hug her. I just went with the safe way. "Hi" I said. "Hey" she said. There was an awkward moment. "Have you already ordered ?" I ask trying to break the awakened between us. "No, I was waiting on you". You both headed to the counter and asked you asked your favorite Starbucks drink. "(Y/n) look I'm really sorry of what happened. I should have told you, but jack told me to not to say it to anyone since jack has told it to him out of trust. And he would get mad if his best friend would tell every single thing about him to his girlfriend. I never thought he would do this to tell you how he felt. And if I knew he would I would have told you the whole story already and would have stopped jack immediately but I didn't. I was a coward. I forgot the number one rule in girl code: 'chicks before dicks' and I let one of the most important person in my life down. I felt really upset and hated myself. I also had some fights with Jack last week about this. Telling him this was his fight, we almost broke up. I was mad at him for not telling it to you. I was mad at all the people who tweeted you hate. But mostly I was mad of myself for doing anything. I'm really sorry. I hope you can forgive me (y/n)". (Y/f/n) said while she was crying.Her honesty made me tear up too. "(Y/f/n) listen don't blame anyone not you or jack. You both don't deserve this. Yes you could have said it to me, but would it have been prevented we both won't know and we never will. I think jack was right. I didn't see how much I got into his life and I understand that I have. So my plan was too change classes. The only thing I can't change probably is biology and drama, but at least I can change the rest. I'm sorry if I won't be with you in some classes anymore, but I think it will be better for everyone. And I hope you can understand I won't sit with you guys during lunch as often as I did before all this." I said. You looked up at her and she looked shocked at you. "Why" was the only word that came out her mouth. "Because well, jack and jack are almost always together and so are you and jack. And I feel when I'm with you jack is there as well and then jack will come along too. And right now I just can't face him. It's hard for me." I felt my heart ripping into two by the thought if I had to face him. "I can understand, oh (y/n) I had to give you this of Aaron. In a way to still remember him."

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