chapter 53

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• sorry for not posting in a while again :(•

<your pov>
I finally got to my moms car. I turned on my phone, which has been off since last night. I'm so relieved everything is okay with Jack now. I saw that (y/f/n) called me a dozen of times. So I called her. "heey" I said. "(y/n) WHERE THE F ARE YOU" she screamed damaging my ear. " Calm your tits woman, didn't Johnson told you what happened last night ?" I explained as I changed my phone from ear. "No everyone has been dead. I called you, Johnson, Gilinsky and even Sam, but none of you fools picked the phone up." she explained. "wait are you home?" I asked. "yeah why?" she said, sounding astonished. "Alright I'll come to your house and explain then" you said as you hung up. "mom can you bring me to (y/f/n)'s house?" I asked as I looked at my mom. "yes, sure" she said. "thanks." Some minutes went by, when my mom asked me how Jack was. "He woke up thankfully and the doctor said that a needed couple of days to rest well" I told her. "do you know if he can make it Saturday?" she asked me. I don't know to be honest, I mean I would be pretty bumped if he wouldn't be around celebrating my birthday. But his health is more important now. "I don't know mom, he needs to rest for now" I said. I looked at the streets that we were passing by. "We're here" my mom suddenly said. I opened my eyes and realized that I've dozed off. I probably didn't get enough sleep last night. "Thanks mom" I said as I stepped out of the car. I waved at her as she drove of. I walked to the front door. I knocked and the door immediately swung open. "There you finally are" (y/f/n) said as she hugged you. You heard her sniffing. "Do I smell a men fragrance on you" she said as she looked at me. I wanted to interrupt her but she was faster. "Did you and Drew had some good time together" she told me as she poked my belly. "(Y/f/n) let me inside so I can tell you what actually happened." "Alright alright, do you want to drink something?" She asks me. "A coke please" she looked at me confused but then understood me. I sat down on her sofa. "Here you go" she said as she handed me a glass over. "Thanks." I took a gulp. " so what happened between you and Drew last night?" She asked. I watched as her eyes sort of started to twinkle. Does she really think me and Drew have done it or something. This girl is so funny and predicable."(Y/f/n) me and Drew didn't had sex." Her smile turned into a frown then she looked confused. I explained her what happened last night, what kind of jerk Drew was and the fight between him and Jack. "That explains why you guys didn't picked up your phones." She realized. "But whose fragrance was I smelling before then" she said as I almost choked in my drink. "Jack's" I whispered. "What?" She asks."I stayed the whole night in hospital as jack was conscious" "aaah, so what is it between you and him now?" She asked. "Well he told me he loved me" I answered. "And" she was asking if I was predictable. "I told him I loved him too." I said. "I knew it, you still loved him." (Y/f/n) said. You could feel your cheeks burn. "So I assume you guys are back together" she said. I nodded. Then suddenly she hugged me again. "I'm so happy for you and me" she told me. Why is she happy for herself I started wondering but before I could asked it she already answered my question. "Now we could do double dates." She said. To be honest it was a good idea. "But jack needs some rest, the doctor said." I explained. "Well we could go to the movies or watch one at one of our houses." She said. "When will he be discharged from the hospital." (Y/f/n) asked. "I don't know, it's probably gonna take some days, probably Thursday." "Alright when he is, let's plan a Friday together just before your birthday.Plus I want to do something with the four of us before they go back to LA to do some shows." "Wait what?!"I said shocked. I jumped of the sofa. "Yeah they are leaving Sunday for MagCon again. Didn't Jack told you?!" She asked confused. "No he didn't, I mean why would he, it's right after my birthday. How long did you know ?!" "Right after my jack talked with Gilinsky's dad. So about two days ago. But (y/n) sit down and relax. Jack probably didn't tell you because two days ago you were still fighting probably and maybe now it has slipped his mind. Plus this is their dream and we need to support them." She said. Am i that easy to read. But she was right. "Yeah you're right, it just sucks that I've only got a few days left before he goes back doing some shows, you know. " I told her as I looked down. " I know and I can relate, this is the first time without my Jackie too".I had a great time at (y/f/n)'s house. She showed me her room it was full of pictures I saw some pictures of us, which was quite funny. I also saw some pictures of our previous MagCon visit. And I remembered how jack got angry at me for coming there because it was his place and how everyone else were his brothers. Then I remembered I haven't talked to Aaron in ages. As Sam picked me up in my moms car. I tried to come up with some solutions that will make jack want to go. Because although he has to go I know he doesn't want to because we just got back together. "That's it" I said. Sam looked at me confused. "What's it?" He asked. I wonderen if Sam knew, but be probably doesn't. "Oh nothing." I said. He then looked at the road. I know a way how Jack will be willing to go to those shows. I need to discuss it with him tomorrow. I'll go visit him after school and talk about it with him.

Jack Gilinsky and (y/n)Where stories live. Discover now