chapter 28

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<jack's pov>

''Can you show me what you've done Mr. Gilinsky and mrs. (y/l/n)?'' Mr. Mulembaumer, our biology teacher asked. I never can take him serious, with his ridiculous curled mustache and by the way he talks. He always has a thing on me. No matter what I do I always get sent away. But not anymore, because now I'm sitting next to (y/n). She has changed me into a good person, a more alert student, without even trying. I'm not the only one who noticed my change, so did our biology teacher.''Here it is'' (y/n) showed a printed version of our beginning. My thought wandered of, I didn't pay much attention anymore. It strikes me that I've to perform in couple of hours. When it was time to pack our bags and (y/n) wanted to walk away I stood in her way accidentally. This led to a very small space between us. When I made my movement to the left, she did the same. When I made my movement to the right and again she did the same. Then I politely gestured with my arms 'ladies first' and she walked passed me. Subsequently she turned her around facing me and asked me with a smile: ''Do I see you with luch?". I coudnt look at her smile, because it was one of the most attractive things about her. '' I can't I have to do, something else'' I said with a soft voice looking at my feet. The bell rang and I immediately took of.

<your pov>

Jack always sat with us during lunch. Why doesnt he sit with us this time. Could it possible be because of the letter. I know its a document, but letter sounds nicer. Also why did he immediately took of. It was time for p.e. due to the past I'm with a different group now. I'm not even trying to make some friendship today. I don't know whether this is my post monday mood, where I avoid every single human being or I'm just not in the mood for some 'friends'. I still did have the same coach, Jack's dad. And I think he needs to know the answer by now. After I got changed and was on the field I searched for the coach. I finally saw him talking to a student. When I approach the coach the student walked away. His face seemed quite familiar. "Hey coach" I said bubbly. "Hey (y/n), you know you can call me David right" he said. "But coach sounds funnier than David, I'm sorry for not being sorry" I said laughing hitting his arm softly. "So, have you been thinking" he asked. "I have to admit, it slipped my mind. But after some considerations I'm happily to say I would love to be part of the team". I said looking at the coach's face lighting up. "So how was it last night with my son" he asked with me giving a look, he knows what happened. I looked at him with big eyes, I didn't really know what to say:" it, uh, it uh, went okay" I said. Taking my time, trying to find the right words. "I hoped he behaved himself" his dad said. "He did, my parents love him and treating him like their son already. You should be proud of your son,David" you said sarcastically his name. "I am" he said. It was time for lunch. P.e. wasn't that interesting. We played hockey for a bit and that was it really. Some people looked at me in a strange way. But I just ignored it, it's for a couple of months anyways, before they make new schedules. I saw (y/friend/n): "how was your day" I asked. "Went okay. I need to tell you something what happened last night!" I said. "Oh alright we can chill at Starbucks again" she said. I nodded my head. "So how was your day" she asked me back after a little silence. But before I could answer. Mrs Kikot was about to say something on the stage. "Today the two talented boys jack and jack will be singing for you today. Hope you'll enjoy, give it a big hand for jack and jack" she said you could hear people clapping the loudest they could. Also you heard some girls almost fainting. For one moment you forgot that they were actually popular and you were just an average girl Jack and jack came on the stage and as they walked on the stage the music started. Suddenly you heard Jack's voice through the whole canteen:

" I know you've been hurt by someone else I can tell by the way you carry yourself. If you let me, here's what I'll do I'll take care of you (I'll take, I'll take, I'll take)I've loved and I've lost."

[jack j: verse 1] I've asked about you and they've told me things, but my mind didn't change it. I still feel the same what's a life with no fun, please don't be so ashamed, I've had mine, you've had yours we both know, we know. They don't get you like I will my only wish is I die real cause that truth hurts, and those lies heal and you can't sleep thinking that he lies still, so you cry still, tears all in the pillow case,big girls all get a little taste, pushing me away so I give her space, dealing with a heart that I didn't break"

[together] I'll be there for you, I will care for you I keep thinking you, just don't know try to run from that, say you're done with that, on your face girl, it just don't show.When you're ready, just say you're ready, when all the baggage just ain't as heavy and the parties over, just don't forget me , we'll change the pace and we'll just go slow.You won't ever have to worry,you won't ever have to hide,you've seen all my mistakes, so look me in my eyes.

[jack j ] 'Cause if you let me, here's what I'll do I'll take care of you (I'll take, I'll take, I'll take) I've loved and i've lost

[jack g : verse 2] It's my birthday, I'll get high if I want to can't deny that I want you, but I'll lie if have to cause you don't say you love me *he looks at you* to your friends when they ask you, even though we both know that you do (you do).*he looks at you then away* One time, been in love one time you and all your girls in the club one time,all so convinced that you're following your heart, cause your mind don't control what it does sometimes. We all have our nights though, don't be so ashamed, I've had mine, you've had yours, we both know, we know. You hate being alone you ain't the only one you hate the fact that you bought the dream and they sold you one you love your friends but somebody shoulda told you somin', to save you, instead he said;

[together] don't a-ha-ha-ha-ha, tell me a-ha-ha-ha-ha, I don't care a-ha-ha-ha-ha, If you're hurt a-ha-ha-ha-ha. I won't a-ha-ha-ha-ha, tell you a-ha-ha-ha-ha, you don't care a-ha-ha-ha-ha, if you're true a-ha-ha-ha-ha, don't a-ha-ha-ha-ha, tell me a-ha-ha-ha-ha, I don't care a-ha-ha-ha-ha, If you're hurt a-ha-ha-ha-ha. I won't a-ha-ha-ha-ha, tell you a-ha-ha-ha-ha, you don't care a-ha-ha-ha-ha, if you're true a-ha-ha-ha-ha, [Jack J ] I know you've been hurt by someone else, I can tell by the way you carry yourself. if you let me, here's what I'll do. I'll take care of you (I'll take, I'll take, I'll take) I've loved and i've lost.

It was the end of Jack johnson his performance, I turned around back to (y/f/n) but she still kept looking their direction and I knew it wasn't over yet. A piano was being dragged to the stage. You had a feeling that today jack will sing his song as well. And you were right.

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