An Unexpected Introduction

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A spark of slight amusement lights up in his eyes, his lips forming an arrogant smirk. You realize he has probably noticed you gaping at him like a fish, and you quickly close your mouth and try to compose yourself. He has dark eyes that seem to swallow you up like a black hole of seduction, every now and then seeming to twinkle mischievously.  He is wearing a dress shirt and tie, and his hands are tucked into the pockets of his black slacks. His luscious hair that is almost as dark as his eyes is slightly parted at the front. His lips are the perfect shape and his jaw is strong and angular, and you can practically see the muscles of his biceps stretching the sleeves of his dress shirt. The confidence in his smirk seems to spark something within you.

Everything about him screams womaniser.

He slowly lets his tantalising eyes drag from your face all the way down your body and back up again, making heat creep onto your cheeks. He settles his mesmerising gaze onto your eyes again, and before you can say or do anything to defend your loud mouth, he holds out his hand.

"You must be Y/N," His voice is calm and enticing, almost musical. The kind of voice you wouldn't mind listening to all day. Everything about him, from his aura and confident stance to the slight teasing look in his midnight gaze seems to draw you in.

"I'm Mr Jeon. the boss" he speaks, throwing you a cheeky wink that sends your head spinning. Even so, his words seem to snap you out of your dazed state. Even though you guessed as much for a second you are a little shocked. Damn, okay, the boss definitely is not some middle-aged man. But how is he the boss? He looks very young.

Remembering what Jimin just told you about this man before you, a little bit of anger begins to rise within your soul. If there is one thing you dislike it's when people play with others feelings. It scares you a little how for a moment there you had actually felt attracted to this man... someone like him. You have known him for all of thirty seconds, but you can already tell; this man is dangerous and to be avoided at all costs; he is not worth the pain of getting to know. From this moment on, you make a little vow inside your head to not let yourself be affected by his charms and to forever keep your relationship professional.

You look down at his outstretched hand. Shaking his hand is the last thing you feel like doing at this very moment, but you know you have to be polite because he is your boss. Reluctantly, you shake his hand quickly and pull away like you just touched something hot. You are determined to keep your guard up with this guy and show him that he won't affect you in the least. But before you can pull your hand back to your side, his large hand wraps around your wrist and he begins to pull you away.

"Since we've bumped into one another, you can come with me to my office now," he says. You look back at Jimin and Hoseok. Your eyes pleading, you look at them for some kind of help or support. They just stand rooted to the ground, and watch you pitifully as your irritatingly attractive boss practically drags you into his office.


So what do you think so far? Should I continue writing my story or is it really bad 😂 vote for this chapter if you think I should carry on :) xx

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