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"Thanks so much for doing this, Chim," Jungkook pats my arm as he steps out the door, briefcase in hand.

"Yeah, we really appreciate the help," Y/N smiles, thrusting the giggling two-year-old into my arms.

"Now don't forget to change her diaper every 2 hours. She shouldn't get hungry until dinner because she just had lunch, but if she does just give her a banana. If she starts crying, sing her a song and she'll go right to sleep. If she gets bored, our Netflix login details are stuck on the fridge. Just turn Dora the Explorer on and she won't take her eyes off the screen for hours,"

I nod rapidly, trying to take all the information in while simultaneously trying not to drop the squirming toddler.

"Bye sweetheart, Mommy loves you," she pauses to kiss her child on her cheek. "And you know the rest Jiminie, I'll see you tomorrow. Oh, and don't forget to feed Yeontan!" she calls over her shoulder.

The door slams behind her. Hana and I stand by the window, her little arms wrapped securely around my neck as we watch the taxi drive away.

I sigh heavily.

This is going to be a challenge. I've fed and held babies before, but I've never had to babysit for an entire night. But I have to because Y/N and Jungkook have to go to a business meeting in Gwangju and can't leave Hana alone.

Taehyung and Minji are at the hospital getting a pregnancy scan. Jin is in the US being featured on Gordon Ramsay's cooking show. Hoseok is on holiday with his parents in Thailand. Yoongi is working a shift, and won't be seen within a mile of a screaming child anyway.

I'm the only available person.

"Uncle Chimmy, I'm hungry!" a little voice whines into my ear. I feel something scratch at my leg, and I look down to see Yeontan pawing at my ankle.

I glance outside and see the sun pouring through the clouds. Might as well go and get some fresh air.

"Okay, how about we go to the park with Tannie and get some ice cream?" I suggest. The little girl nods her head happily, so I start to search around the house for the dog lead.


I saunter through the park, humming a tune while I push the baby stroller. Yeontan's lead is looped around the handle and he trots alongside us, happily leaving his mark on every tree he passes. I glance down at him anxiously every now and then, cautious not to run over his little feet with the large rubber wheels.

Suddenly something catches my attention, a woman standing near the pond who is feeding bread to the ducks from a paper bag. Her long and dark hair falls forward as she leans down, creating a curtain over her pretty face.

She's standing beside a much taller man with dyed blonde hair. Probably her boyfriend. She laughs at something he says, throwing her head back and smiling widely, carefree.

I'm so mesmerised by her breathtaking laugh that I fail to notice Yeontan's lead slipping off the handle.

By the time I do notice, it's too late. I try to grasp the cord but he's already gone, sprinting towards the guy and the girl. Because he's so small they don't even notice him sniffing around at their feet, too engaged in their conversation. He runs around playfully, attempting to chase the ducks away. The ducks merely disregard him, unfazed due to him being pretty much the same size as them.

"Yeontan! Come back here!" I whisper-yell, craning my neck to get a better view.

Dread rises within me as I watch the tiny Pomeranian sniff curiously at the man's shoe.

Uh Oh.

"Bad Tannie!" Hana giggles from inside the buggy, licking her ice cream.

I watch in horror as he lifts his leg on the mans beige sandals, and I can almost see the mischevious glint in his eye as the little dog stares back at me defiantly. Just try and stop me now.

The man looks down at his shoe and yelps in shock, almost falling over as he steps back. The woman gasps and covers her mouth, smothering a laugh. I drag a hand down the side of my face, feeling like digging a hole and burying myself inside.

I quickly jog over to the couple, swiftly grabbing Yeontans lead and looping it back over the handle of the stroller.

"Bad dog!" I hissed, tugging the lead slightly. "Sir, I'm terribly sorry about-"


I look up at the man immediately, and recognition flashes in his eyes. My face breaks out into a huge grin.

"Namjoon Hyung! Long time no see!"

We hug clumsily, the baby stroller getting in the way.

"Who's this?" he coos at Hana. "Is this your daughter?"

"No! I mean no, this is Jungkook's daughter and I'm just baby sitting while he's away,"

"Oh i see. My goodness, our little Jungkookie has a child of his own. Now I feel old," he chuckles, his dimpled smile still identical to how it looked in high school.

"Yeah, it's been so many years! How long have you been back in Seoul?"

"Oh, we just moved down here a fortnight ago," He says, gesturing towards the beautiful girl who is standing awkwardly behind Namjoon, fiddling with her hair.

"Is that your girlfriend?" I ask hesitantly.

"Oh no, that's my sister," He grins.

I gape at him. "That's your sister?"

I stare in wonder at what was once the geeky child with glasses I always saw when I went to Namjoon's house as a teen. I'd always tried to talk to her, but she would just stutter and blush, running away from me. She'd always been cute in a scruffy kind of way, but now she's grown into a stunning woman.

"She really grew up, huh?" I say in surprise.

"Well, she's single..." Namjoon teases, bumping my shoulder playfully.

I feel a strange sense of relief wash over me, but I pretend not to care. Namjoon pulls the girl to his side to introduce us.

"Da-eun, this is Jimin. Do you remember him? He's my old friend from high school," he smiles.

Her gorgeous eyes widen. I throw her a wink and have to fight back the urge to grin as her cheeks slowly turn a rosy shade of pink.


Just because I wanted to add Namjoon, and I felt bad leaving Jimin a single pringle.

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