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Yoongi's POV

"Jin hyung, he's definitely hiding something from us," I sigh.

Hoseok and I earlier decided that when the break came, we would go to the cafeteria and try asking Jin for some advice. So here we both are, sitting in the kitchen while Jin stirs a large pot of steaming seaweed soup. We briefly told him about what happened this morning, and about my discovery upon walking into Jungkook's office.

He looks thoughtful for a second. I watch as the metaphorical wheels turn in his head, his brown eyes pondering my words. Jin is very wise, and as he is the eldest the rest of us always come to him for advice on anything and everything.

"You don't suppose Jimin has anything to do with this, do you?"

Both Hoseok and I tilt our heads to the side.

"Jimin? Why would he have anything to do with it?" Hoseok voices what we are both thinking.

"Have anything to do with what?" Jimin's voice pipes up as he enters the kitchen, sliding his key card into his shirt pocket as he does so. Something about the way he carries himself looks... off. Downtrodden almost, like the confident facade I know he puts on has been damaged.

Jin doesn't turn around, only carries on stirring the soup. "You like her, don't you, Jiminie?"

Jimin freezes, gulping nervously. "Like... w-who?" he stammers, eyes wide like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Y/N," Jin says simply. Jimin's startled look melts slowly upon realising that there is no point trying to hide his secret. He looks sad for a moment, the kind of heavy, tired despair that tests the solidity of even the hardest of hearts.

"Yes," he says in a small voice. "But it's okay, Hyungs. I'm willing to let her go to Jungkook because I want her to be happy."

All three of us freeze. "So, you're saying... Y/N likes Jungkook?" I press.

"W-well... I sort of confessed to her this morning and she told me she did. I shouldn't have done it and I feel terrible now, I feel as though I've betrayed Jungkookie," He shakes his head pitifully.

Hoseok stiffens.

"When and where did you confess to her?" he asks slowly.

"Early this morning as soon as she came in, on the balcony. Why?" Jimin asks, furrowing his eyebrows. I must admit I'm a little lost too at what Hoseok is getting at.

"On the balcony?" Hoseok repeats, gulping.

"Yes. Why? Hyung, tell me what's wrong!" Jimin exclaims in frustration, his already injured mood causing him to snap.

"This morning I saw you taking Y/N to the balcony. Jungkook came up to me shortly after and asked where she was," Hoseok says in a voice that makes me fill with dread. "So of course I told him that she was on the balcony. But I didn't mention that she was with you... because I didn't think it was important,"

My eyes widen in realization. Jimin runs a hand through his hair, cursing under his breath.

"Jungkook must have overheard your confession," Jin shakes his head pityingly.

"And not stayed long enough to hear Y/N reject you...," Hoseok's voice trails off in despair.

"And that must be why he's being drawn back to his old habits... and why he fired her," I finish. It all makes sense now.

"Jungkook fired Y/N?" Jimin gasps, still unaware of the aftermath. I nod.

"So he heard me asking her out and thought she accepted?" Jimin's mouth was agape. "And what bad habits are you referring to?"

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