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I realized there was a bunch of grammatical errors in the last chapter, I'm sorry about that and I've fixed them up now. Once again, thanks for reading xx


Your entire body jolts awake as something big and soft is smacked into your head.

"Y/N!" someone whisper-yells. You groan and open your eyes, only to see your older brother menacingly wielding a couch-pillow above his head, ready to strike another blow. 

The room is bright. Light is flooding through a chink in the curtains and casting gentle sunrays across the cream carpet, indicating that it's a new day.

"Taehyung? What the fuck?"

"Shhhhh!," he points to the other end of the couch you just woke up on. You follow his finger and your eyes widen. Shit! Jungkook's lean form is still stretched out on the sofa, sound asleep.

"Get up! You have some explaining to do," Taehyung hisses, grabbing your arm and pulling you up. Once he's dragged you out of the living room and into the hallway, he stops and crosses his arms over his chest, giving you an expectant look. How do you even begin to explain this?

"He's my boss," you start. Taehyung freezes for a moment, letting it sink in, and then runs a hand through his hair tiredly.

"So do you know who he is... to me?" 

You nod, and he stares you down intently.

"I always wondered what happened to him," he says thoughtfully. It's clear for you to see that Taehyung missed Jungkook, even if the boys might have gone their separate ways. 

"But wait a sec... why was he on our couch?"

"Y/N?" a raspy voice laden with sleepiness erupts from the living room. Both you and your older sibling whip your heads over to the doorway and freeze. Suddenly, Jungkook appears in the hallway and freezes also, eyes wide.

For a moment, Jungkook and Taehyung just stare at each other, the air filled with a deafening silence. Then to your total surprise, both boys break out into a huge grin. They run towards each other and start doing a series of weird hand and body movements. 

What the hell is happening? Are they dancing? 

Wait... is that supposed to be some kind of handshake?

You pinch your arm to check you've actually woken up and that this isn't just a figure of your crazy imagination. But no, they're still there; real as can be, doing a handshake in your hallway like a couple of middle schoolers in a playground. (A/N lol I'm in middle school but shh)

After they finish this rather extra display, they laugh and give each other a bro hug. You have to admit you weren't sure what kind reaction you were expecting from the two, but you know it certainly wasn't anything like this. They start to break out in a conversation, reminiscing memories of the past.

After you let them talk for a moment or two, you clear your throat loudly. Both whip their heads around to face you in surprise like they forgot you were even here. Both boys smile at you sheepishly.

"I still can't believe Taetae is your brother," Jungkook says happily. You don't think you've ever seen him smile this wide, and my god, his smile is breathtaking.

"And I still can't believe Kook is your boss," Taehyung laughs. 'Yeah... why were you asleep on my couch again?"

Jungkook explains the happenings of the previous night while you go upstairs and take a quick shower. When you come back down, Jungkook is gone.

"Jungkook just went home to freshen up. We were thinking of going out to breakfast to catch up some more... do you want to come?" Taehyung asks. You're about to take him up on his offer, but then you remember what Jungkook said last night, his words ringing in your head.

"Every time things start to get serious with a girl, I feel scared and out of control. When real emotions come in, that's when things get complicated. That's when you can get hurt. And that's why I never let myself get that far in a relationship,"

Maybe it's best if you continue to stay away from him. You don't know if you can endure the pain of falling for him and getting your soul even more broken and trampled upon than it already is. He was so nice last night, and he did say he wants to try and change his ways. But what if he doesn't? Afterall, as you of all people should know, old habits die hard.

Just before you could reply to Taehyung and turn down his offer, your phone gives a shrill ring. You slide it out of your back pocket, and Minji's caller ID flashes on the screen.

"Minji? What's up?"

You can't help but smother a small laugh at Taehyung's expression. His eyes have lit up and his posture has straightened at the mention of his crush.

"Hey Y/N... I know we haven't talked in a while since... you know, the other day. But I was wondering if you'd like to hang out?" Minji says in a small voice.

You can't pass up this chance. This is perfect. Screw your deadly attraction to that womanizer, you have to be loyal to your best friend.

"Oh, actually Minji, Taehyung and I were just going to go out for breakfast with my boss. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you joined us," You grin mischievously at Tae. He sends you a death glare before biting his nails nervously.

"O-oh, really? Uh... I wouldn't want to intru-"

"Great!" you cut her off. "Meet us at the café at the end of our street at 9;30. See you then!"


You hang up. Winking at your furious brother, you turn around and walk up the stairs to get ready. Even though this means that as usual you'll have to work hard to resist Jungkook's charms, this morning will be worth it if you can set up Taehyung and Minji once and for all.



Oops this was really short. Sorry for typos if there are any x


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