Chapter One

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  The blaring alarm makes me jump, before I remember it's the day the box comes back up. With a new Greenie.

I push away the opening of the tent to watch Newt, Alby, and Gally run over to it, while the rest of the Gladers follow.

"Beth, you coming?" Chuck asks me, running up from behind the medtent. I push my hair behind my ears.

"Yeah, let's go meet him," I smile and lightly punch his arm. We run over to the box and make our way to the front of the boys, all of them crowding around the box. I watch Gally jump down into it.

"Day one, Greenie. Rise and shine," He says in the same menacing tone he always uses to intimidate the new Gladers. I peek into the box to see another boy, which I expected, but I've been hoping for another girl since I got here.

The boy shields his eyes from the sun with his hand and squints up at the Gladers. He pulls himself up out of the box and takes off towards the maze doors.

"We got a runner!" One of the boys shouts, and I roll my eyes at him. I'd run too.

But, it's tradition. All the boys laugh, especially when the new one trips over something and faceplants. He gets up slowly, taking in his surroundings. After all, it is a lot to take in.

"Alright guys, get back to work," Alby demands, only keeping two Gladers to help him drag the new Greenie to the pit.

Whenever someone tries to run, they always lock them up. It happens more often than not, but luckily it didn't happen to me. I was just paralyzed with fear, so that was fun. They do it for safety reasons, but the pit still sucks. I would know.

Hours later, still no one's hurt, so I keep to myself, wandering around the Glade, sitting in my favorite tree, and hanging around in the med-tent. I decide to go over and help the builders, mostly because it's good to keep Gally occupied so he doesn't terrorize the new boys. On my way over, I look over to see Newt in the gardens and change my mind.

"Hi, love, what are you doing here?" He smiles as he sees me. I kiss him sweetly before answering.

"No one's hurt yet, so I've got some time," I tell him. I turn around to see Alby giving the new Greenie the tour.

He tells him the rules of the Glade, like usual.

"I should go introduce myself," Newt tells me. He kisses my forehead before running over. I watch them talking, and before I know it Newt's gesturing for me to come join them. I do.

"This, mate, is Beth. The only girl in the Glade," Newt introduces me as he swings his arm around my shoulders.

"Nice to meet you," I hold out my hand. He hesitantly takes it.

"You too-" He starts but is caught off by someone.

"Beth!" I hear my name and look back to see a builder, cradling his wrist by the med-tent.

"Shuck. Sorry, I should go help," I tell them before turning around to make my way back to the tent.

"Now, listen closely. Beth is the Keeper of the Medjacks, the only girl, and the best person in the Glade by a long shot. Everyone has a soft spot for her. Even Gally, alright? If you hurt her, everyone in the Glade will come after you, understand?" I hear Newt tell him. I turn back to see the new boy nod.

"She's really beautiful," He says.

"You've got that right, and she's mine. Make any advances, and I'll slit your throat, you hear?" Newt tells him. I roll my eyes. He's so protective. I love it. I turn my head again to see the new boy go pale and nod.

"Good that," Newt claps him on the shoulder.

"Do me a favor, go find Chuck," Alby says to him. He nods and turns to run after me.

"What do you think of him?" I ask as Newt runs up beside me.

"I thought he almost had the chops to be a runner. Until he face planted." He laughs and takes my hand as we walk together.

"Hey Chuck, Alby's lookin' for you," Newt calls out as he spots Chuck across the Glade. He nods and runs to find Alby.

Hours pass as I tend to the gardens with Newt, occasionally taking breaks to mend scratches on roughed up gladers. Chuck gets Thomas up to speed, just like all the newer boys do for the newest boys. I was the exception.

"Do you think- oh my gosh, is he going to the maze?" I get distracted by catching a glimpse of Thomas running towards the doors.

"Bloody hell," Newt mutters and takes off towards the walls. As does Gally. As does Alby. As does pretty much everyone else to keep the boy from killing his damn self.

Right before he steps inside the maze walls, someone shouts.

"Hey!" Gally pushes him onto the ground. "We've gotta stop meeting like this, Greenie." The boy freaks out and starts scrambling to get up off the ground. Gally yells at him to be calm and relax, but I doubt the boy even hears him.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys! Why won't you tell me what's out there?" The boy demands answers that he'll never get. At least not for a while, anyway.

"Just calm down, alright?" Newt tells him.

"We're just trying to protect you," Alby warns.

"It's for your own good," Newt says.

"You can't just keep me here!" The boy yells.

"We can't let you leave," Alby tells him.

"Why not?" Just as he asks, the rumbling begins. The giant stone walls begin to rattle and shake, moving together slowly, before closing the space between us and the void that is the maze.

"Next time, I'm gonna let you leave," Gally says.

Alby steps behind him.

"Welcome to the Glade."

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