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Lisa POV

Its the first day of school and i cant find my baggy jeans.Wait nevermind found it. I cant wait to see tiane and rosanda(chilly). Tiane and i go way back from preschool.This is the first time me and her havent seen each other in the summer. I am wearing my baggy jeans,my hair is tied and i am the bawl. Time to walk to school.

Meanwhile at chilly's

Chilly:i want to see my friends can u hurry please.


At school.....

Tiane:guys i missed you like crazy

Chilly:i missed you guys too

Lisa:i bust this summer up man

Chilly:whose that?

Tiane:Him? thats Dallas he is a big time player dont be thinkin bout it

Chilly:why would i want a player

Chilly POV

I think Dallas is innocent. He was looking at me in a way. Why is tiane always doing that to me? Why is something always wrong with these guys i pick?  I am going for it.Let me date him.

Lisa:I told my dad we might get a record deal.

Chilly:Girl lets go in the bathroom you cant be sayin  thing so public in the school. people might want money.

In the bathroom

Tiane: Well we start after graduation.

Chilly:What do we start?

Tiane and Lisa: We start touring!!!

Chilly: your lying

Lisa:They called this morning and said we can start after graduation.

Tiane:Lisa this means you have to pull these grades up.

Chilly:She got it.

Lisa: Pebbles said we can start recording and rehersing our dance moves and it all takes months.

Tiane:Well girls lets start our journey

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