Too Young

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Heavn:I shouldnt.

Tia:Heaven, we both agreed to do this.

Heaven:Whatever. I was waiting long to do this. I am a thirteen year old and I know what i am doing.

Tia:You are technically fourteen because your birthday is tommrow.

Heaven:Kevin where are you.

Kevin:I am just putting it on.

Tia:I am so excited.

Chilly's P.O.V

I am picking up Heaven today. I see the person who prepared Lisa's body. As she approaches me, I remember the memories of Lisa and I start to cry.

Tiffany:Hey Rosanda. How are you coping with Lisa's death?

Chilly:(crying) As you approached, I had to cry.

Tiffany:It is ok. To feel better jus go to her grave and visit. When you feel like you let out your feelings to someone, just tall to her. So what brings you here?

Chilly:I am picking up Tiane's daughter. My son is three years older than Heaven. His birthday and her birthday is the same day so she turns 14 and he turns 17. We are having a party for them.

Tiffany:Wow huge birthday bash.

Chilly:Do you think you can make it?

Tiffany:My daughter is invited.




Tiffany:Umm is your eye ok??

Chilly:What do you mean?

Tiffany:I always detect a problem.When i see it, I confront. Why did he abuse you??

Chilly: I didnt do anything to him. I am going to pack my bags and leave. I am getting my stuff tonight. But we should stop talking about it because see Heaven is coming.

Heaven:Hi aunty rose. Hi MS.Brown.

Chilly:Lets go HEaven. We have to get decorations but first we have to gt my son.

Heaven: (hesitaes but with forgetness) The party is tommorow?

CHilly:Yes why did you forget something. Why is your mouth so dry?

Heaven:(lies)I didnt forget anything. (lies again) I just didnt drink enough water.


What is going on with Heaven? What do you think is going to happen when Chilly tries to leave?

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