Tiane's Hardtime

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Chilly:I cant beileve we are going on tour with mc hammer

Tiane:I know right.

Lisa:Its time for us to go on stage.

AFTER PERFORMANCE . . . . . . . . . . . .

Tiane:We killed it.

Chilly:You know it.

Lisa:Im hungry

Chilly:As always.

Lisa:Wheres Tiane??

Chilly:Omg!! Tiane are you ok.Tiane!!!!!

AT THE HOSPITAL . . . . . . .

Chilly:Whats wrong with her.

Doctor:She has SCA

Lisa:Wow. When did she get it??

Doctor:It normally comes as a child or sometimes birth.She had one of her attacks tonight.

Chilly:What about tour??

Doctor:Well just make sure there are hospitals near.

Chilly:What does SCA stand for?? 

Lisa:Sickle cell anemia.

Tiane:She actually knows something.

Lisa:Hey tiane how you feeling??


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