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        Many years ago, when the world was new, it was a scary and dangerous place. It was filled with evils of many kinds; evils that would stop at nothing to control the world. These evils struck fear into the hearts of everything, even the strongest of creatures bowed to it.

        But there was good in the world too; and the good gave the creatures hope. The gods looked down upon the evils for tormenting their creations. The eldest two, Jupiter and Pluto, decided to prevent the evils from tormenting their creations anymore.

        Together, and with their combined power, they created a new creature to fight off these evils. The creature was half man, half wolf. It had the power of 100 men, and was their greatest creation. They placed the creature on earth, and the creatures relaxed as the world was finally safe.

        But some time later Jupiter and Pluto began to fight over their creation; wanting to use its power in different ways. Eventually, they decided to divide the creature in half, dividing it's power into two wolf-men. Pluto's black wolf, named Obscuro, and Jupiter's white wolf named Lucem. The two god sent their wolves to fight, saying whoever won would win the other's wolf. But Obscuro and Lucem were evenly matched; making it impossible for either side to win. So Pluto and Jupiter began to make more, weaker versions of their wolf; weaker because of the lack of the other god's power contribution. But when they saw that the other wolves followed behind the first, the wolf pack was born. As was a dark prophecy surrounding both packs.

        And so, Pluto and Jupiter placed their packs on earth to protect the world from the evils lurking. But the two packs continued to feud, always trying to out do the other. But even the two great packs couldn't keep watch of all the world by themselves.

        The other gods soon saw this, and each one created their own packs; 12 in all, to rule and protect the regions of the world secretly.

        To this day the packs roam the earth, disguised as humans, to protect the inhabitants from destruction by the evil. Each named after the god who created them; and honoring them through the generation. And even after all these years, the two Great Packs are still feuding, and the prophecy still looms....

        "Two will become one; opposites will attract, and the stars will create a love brighter than themselves. Together the two will lead all to victory, but first must do battle with hate. It is destined, as it is said by the Destinies themselves."

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