Chapter Two: Pluto Pack

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{Aislynn's POV}

        I heard my bedroom door open so I froze and closed my eyes.

        I heard someone tiptoeing over my clothes and come to the side of my bed.


        I smiled.

        "Good Morning to you too, Blaine..."

        I heard him groan before jumping over and lying next to me.

        "How'd you hear me? I can NEVER scare you..." he complained.

        "I'm awesome like that," I smirked. "What time is it?"

        "Almost eleven," he said pulling the covers off my head.

        I sat up and he laughed.

        "Your hair is ridiculous, baby sis."

        I threw a pillow in his face and told him to shut up.

        I got out of bed and picked up a t-shirt from the floor. After smelling it, I threw it over my head.

        "You're room is disgusting, A. I can't believe you can live like this," he said with a scowl.

        "I know. I need to clean it. I haven't had time since that party the other night," I said putting on sweats.

        My brother Blaine and I were the "life of the party" you could say.

        Being the coolest kids in the pack had it's advantages and getting invited to all the parties was one of them.

        Don't get me wrong, neither one of us have our mates and we were very adamant on keeping ourselves for them.

        I don't drink a lot, but I'm pretty sure Blaine does from time to time. I mean, we're Irish; give us a break.

        After fixing my short hair in the mirror, I sighed.

        I had dyed my curly hair an extremely dark pink, almost violet, colour about two years ago.

        Blaine got off the bed and gave me a bear hug.

        "C'mon, 'lil sis. We've got a meeting," he said throwing me over his shoulder.

        I guess you could say our relationship is odd.

        We used to hate each other but as we got older we learned to get along. We had to if we were both sneaking out to the same parties and living under the same roof 24/7. Now we were almost like a couple.

        He would all the time help me with schoolwork, he chased off stupid guys for me, Blaine even drives me shopping from time to time. We're just that close.

        Example; last night Blaine brought me dinner after my dad grounded me and made me go to bed early. Although he ate most of it before it got to my bedroom, he was still a good brother.

        I laughed as he jogged down the stairs and through the hallway to our dad's office.

        As soon as we got to the door he dropped me on my feet and we walked into the room where our father, the Alpha, and our good friend Phillip, the Beta, were waiting.

        I took a seat on the leather couch and Blaine sat on me.

        "There's a whole other seat on this couch, Blaine," I groaned.

        "I'm fine here," he said with an evil smile.


        We both looked at our dad.

        Our dad being the Alpha, always had this aurora around him of pure authority. Like he could go up to the cashier at Walmart and get his groceries for free just because he could intimidate her into giving them away.

        Blaine and I had both gotten used to his deep, Irish accent and his masculine way of things. Typical strict dad, you could say.

        "I have important news for Blaine," he said.

        I scoffed. "Then why am I here?"

        My dad gave me a look and I finished my question with a 'sir'.

        "Well, I figured this is family news, Aislynn."

        Blaine kicked my shin and I yelped.

        "Go on..." Blaine said.

        "Well, son. You've been eighteen for about four months now, and I believe you're ready to take your position as Alpha."

        "What?!" I yelled pushing Blaine off of me.

        "Aislynn," my father said sternly. "This is a very special time for your brother. I would thank you to be more respectful. Especially since you will be his date for the upcoming annual Full Moon Colloquium."

        I stared at my father in shock.

        Not only was this a huge honor for someone other than an Alpha, Beta, or Luna to attend the annual event, but this was my brother's promotion to Alpha we were talking about.

        I couldn't help the tears that threatened to fall from my eyes.

        I left the room quickly, ignoring my father's calls for me to return.

        Once back in the comfort of my own room, I let my tears fall.

        My brother was leaving me for our pack. He would trade our midnight trips to get chocolate milk, for secret missions. He would trade our monthly shopping sprees for monthly pack meetings.

        Blaine would forget all about his little sister and that's what scared me the most.

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