Chapter Nine: Jupiter Pack

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{Lu's POV}

Checking the time on my phone, I stepped into the bathroom. Closing the door, I dressed in all black. Black skinny jeans, a black tank top, and black combat boots and I tied my hair into a ponytail.

Hearing the door click, I quickly turned to see Kian. I sighed in relief. He nodded at me.

"Ready to go?" He mouthed silently.

I nodded. Together, we stepped out of the hotel room and went down to the car. Then, we rode off toward the building the Colloquium was being held in.

Ever since we had left, a feeling of emptiness had crept into my body, making me feel hollow. The anticipation to see this boy again, this boy I had just met, caused my stomach to flip and my senses to blur.

The trees sped by, and Kian and I traveled in a comfortable silence.

A torturous eternity later, we pulled up next to a large, dark green pickup. It took all my strength not to burst out of the car right then and there, grab Blaine in my arms, and kiss him like there was no tomorrow. But miracle upon miracles I didn't.

Both Kian and I got out of our car, while Blaine and his sister, who I had learned was named Aislynn, got out of theirs. The moment my eyes met Blaine's I was wrapped in a blanket of warmth, despite the snow flurries floating down around us. He smiled that perfect crooked smile.

"Hey Luli." He said, grinning.

I punched his shoulder, hard.

"Oh, shut up." I mumbled.

We all went inside, sneaking along silently through the halls to avoid the pack stragglers from hearing us. We eventually ended up in a large, empty bedroom suit. Collapsing on the bed, I let out a huge sigh. I was exhausted.

Kian and Aislynn sat across the room, side by side on the large couch. Blaine sat next to my body that was sprawled out on the bed. He smirked at me, winking.

"In your dreams." I laughed, rolling onto my stomach facing the others, and propping my head up with my elbows.

"Okay. We really need to talk." I began, looking at Aisylnn and Kian.

"First off, let's get something straight. You hurt my little sis, I'll kick your little puppy dog tail to the next full moon." Blaine said, practically growling at Kian.

I punched Blaine's arm.

"Relax. If Kian hurts Aislynn, I will personally make sure his butt is kicked. But that's not like him, and he's not going to do that." I said.

Aislynn's cheeks turned pink as she fought off a smile.

"Now, let's get serious. First we're from two different packs. Second we're alphas, a beta, and a sister in the alpha bloodline. And last, and certainly the worst, out packs have been feuding for thousands of years. What are we going to do?" I asked, willing someone, anyone, to come up with a good idea.

"We'll have to keep it quiet." Came Aislynn's reply.

"Yes, but how? I'm guessing you will all agree when saying we are not going to be able to just stop meeting with our mates." Kian said, looking at all of us.

We all nodded.

"How about this: the big, formal part of the Colloquium is over, right? So, now we pretty much have free range to do whatever we want with the other packs. Well, what if we snuck off together, Kian and I and Blaine and Aislynn, to do some 'pack stuff' together. Then, Blaine can secretly switch with Kian and we can sneak off together?" I suggested.

Blaine nodded.

"That's a good idea, but I don't know if it'll work for four weeks. My dad will get seriously suspicious." Blaine said.

"Well, we can try it for a little while, until someone else comes up with a better plan." Kian replied, smiling his goofy smile.

"Alright. Deal?" I asked everyone.

"Deal." Came the reply from all three.


Stepping back inside the hotel room, I returned the cat keys to the spot from which Kian and I had taken them. We shut the door, and tip toed back to our make-shift beds. Not even bothering to change, I lay down.

A second later, my phone screen lit up. I quickly grabbed it off of the table next to me and his it under my shirt. Thankful that it didn't wake anyone, I turned down the brightness and looked at the notification.

<<From: Blaine <3

"Hey Luli! I was thinking we could try out that new idea of yours tomorrow for lunch. Let me know. Ttyl.">>

I smiled, sending back a quick reply letting him know I would be there. Yawning, I locked my phone and plugged it up. Then, I closed my eyes and drifted off into one of the best sleeps I've ever have.

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