Chapter 2

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We all looked at each other, knowing that none of us knew the answer. I decided to change my questsion,

"We're all getting them?" Leigh nodded. Damn, something happened last night, but none of us could remember what. Jade took over questioning,

"So the flowers?" Jesy nodded.

"Last night I woke up and there was a rose in a vase but the vase wasn't filled with water, it was filled with a red liquid. I looked at my arm and..." She held up her arm, and she had the exact same cut as me on her arm, yet none of us were surprised, "It wasn't just a red liquid, it was my blood. There was a note next to it saying 'You Owe Me'." I nodded and then started,

"I woke up and there was a jar next to my bed with a lock of blonde hair," I moved my hair from behind my ear to reveal an extremely short section of hair, "and a whole heap of blood." I held up my arm and showed the slit. It was redder than it was this morning and getting slightly inflamed, "next to it was a note that said 'You Owe Me."

Leigh spoke next,

"I woke up, and this will sound weird, but my room was filled with balloons. As in filled so much that I was suffocating. I couldn't breathe and I couldn't move. And on every ballon, 'You Owe Me' was written on it, then I popped them all so I could get out and one of them was filled with uhm," She stopped but we all knew what she meant, so we just nodded. Then she held up her arm. Once again, there was a line all down her arm.

Jade spoke last,

"What are you talking about? What happened last night? Why are you all so freaked out?"

"Crap." Jesy muttered under her breath. She didn't get any notes and she didn't have a scratch on her arm. What had we done. We just assumed that she had. We looked back at her and Leigh, being the responsible, mature one (not) whispered,

"Jade, listen to us. You have to stay with us. You can't leave our sights. If you do, you might end up..." She gulped, not wanting to say what might happen, "You might end up... Dead."

Jesy took over,

"Look Jade, I really don't know what happened last night but you can't say a word of this to anyone."

Jade's smart. She would work out how serious this was, hopefully she wouldn't get any notes or texts and would not get dragged into this. That way she wouldn't be frearing for her life, like we were, but I know that whoever this is doesn't like to play fair. She will get dragged into this if she isn't... Dead.

There was another knock on the door and we all jumped and screamed, including Jade. I walked over and opened it first, with the other girls behind me. Gee, we really were all scaredy cats. We must have looked pretty strange standing there peering out from behind the door. Luckily it was only our manager telling us to get to rehearsals. We were sort of scared out of our skins so we didn't really want to go, but we couldn't let anyone else know that something was up.

We headed out to the stage to run through an entire rehearsal of the show, right after we sound-checked. Sound check was quite boring, because we were all in a rather somber mood and sound check is usually pretty boring anyway.

Once we finished, we started rehearsing. That was more fun than sound check because we were dancing around and running up and down the stage. Our minds were still wandering but we had to keep them screwed on fairly straight.

After rigorous choreography, we went to warm up our voices properly, so that we didn't lose our voices during, or before, the show. We warmed up and then practiced all the songs for the tour. None of us really spoke, and for us that is pretty unusual. Luckily no one really picked up on it, but we did get some strange looks. At one point I thought I heard everyone whispering about how they thought we were acting weird, but I ignored it. I really needed to stop doing that.

Once we were back in our dressing room we started talking, well screaming, over the top of each other about what we were going to do. We were panicking about the show, what if the anonymous person came to the show? what if they tried to do something to Jade while we were on stage? Even worse, what if Jade started getting messages?Then pre-show nerves started kicking in and I started feeling like I was about to throw up. I never do, but I always feel like it. I  pushed it away and ignored it, as best as I could.

Just as more questions started coming into our heads there was a knock on the door, again. Either we're really popular or people have a thing about knocking on doors. I would go for the first option. There was our manager with a whole heap of fanmail. I smiled, fanmail was the best.

We started rifling through the mail, finding ours and reading through them. There were like 50 gazillion letters that we had to go through. After about 10 my eyes started to get tired, so I went to get a glass of water. I got up and left the other girls to finish reading through their letters, I mean, they were going to be fine, they were together.

As I was walking back from the bubbler I heard a scream. Not just any scream, Jade's scream. It was ear-peircing and high pitched. It was filled with fear and uncertainty, yet still wasn't very loud. I had to get back there before our security did. I sprinted back to our dressing room, not knowing what I was going to find. I just hoped it wasn't what I feared it was. 

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