For the last 15 or so minutes before we went on stage, we didn't really do much. We warmed up with the dancers and me and Jade freaked out about going on stage. Our boyfriends said goodbye to us about 20 minutes before stage and left us to finish prepping, but they didn't leave without giving us all suspicious looks, as if they knew something, but there was no way they could know about Inconnu is there? I mean it only started last night, and no one could remember anything from that space of time. It was like it had just dissappeared off the space-time continuum. It was like it never existed. But that was not possible.
While we waited side stage to be harnessed up so we could fly down at the start of the show, we tried to avoid letting the anxiety kick in. Of course me and Jade were nervous wrecks, as we always were before shows, with me pacing back and forth trying to remember all the choreography and the songs and running through them in the head and Jade just sitting there looking like she was about to vomit. Leigh and Jesy were fine, and even if they weren't, they hid it well. I can never really tell if they're nervous or not, they're just really hard to read before we go on stage.
I was pretty sure that we were in the denial stage of all of this, denying that Inconnu had power over us, denying that he was real. We just ignored it and hoped that it would go away.
We got our harnesses on and were hoisted up into the air. While we were waiting we started goofing off and posing in various Charlie's angels poses, because when you're hoisted 6 and a half metres in the air, that's what you do obviously.
We heard the visuals start playing on the screen and we got ready. We put our game faces on and prepared for the huge crowd at the O2 that was waiting for us. Finally we were lowered and just as we were coming down I realised that I didn't have my hood on, after Jade was pointing at it for about 5 minutes, so I quickly pulled it on just before everyone could see us.
The second we were in sight a huge scream errupted throughout the arena. I grinned like a cheshire cat, this is what I loved. Once we were down we took off our harnesses, like we were supposed to and started performing.
We rocked out through the whole show and nothing went wrong, until the end. Everything was going fine and for a little while we forgot about Inconnu. It was like he didn't exist. But obviously he didn't want us thinking that we could get away that easily. Just as we were about to sing wings, there was a scream, but it wasn't very loud. Just small and accidental, not in pain, but in shock. I look over to where the scream came from, it was from Leigh. She wasn't quite loud enough for her mic to pick it up on it, but I still hear it somehow. She was pointing at something, not in the crowd, but up at the roof. Some of the fans looked up, but it wasn't in the roof of the arena, it was in the scaffolding of the stage. There wasn't any writing, just a giant pile of balloons in the rafters that were all decorated with drawings of roses. To make things even worse, every single one of the balloons were red, blood red. It was honestly terrifying.
I carried on and talked before we performed wings. I was shaking, yet still managed to pretend that nothing was wrong. It's amazing the things we can do when we HAVE to, versus when we want to. We sang and then left the stage. It wasn't the amazing feeling I usually had after a show, there was not the stage adreneline, there was only fear for my life adreneline. I didn't want to talk to anyone about why I flipped on stage, except for my girlies. They knew what I was thinking and dragged me away into some random closet that we could find.
We didn't go into our dressing room for a reason, we knew our boyfriends and families would be there, waiting for us, and would start asking questions. It wasn't like we could lie to them, they knew us too well, so we hid. Once we were pretty sure that no one knew where we were, we talked. The main thing that was repeated over and over again was,
"But it was impossible to get those baloons up there without anyone knowing."
We couldn't quite come to terms with the fact that someone is out to get us. It really didn't make sense. There wasn't anyone I could think of that would want to hurt us. No one, besides those haters on the internet, but if you met them I bet they wouldn't say half the things to us that they say on twitter.
Once we realised that we were in the closet for possibly too long, we headed out, silent. We didn't really want it to look like one of THOSE fanfictions, yeah closets never do anyone a favour in fanfictions. Yes I have read fanfictions, of ourselves, is there a problem with that?
Once we get to the dressing rooms we saw all our family and boyfriends in there, panicking slightly.
"Where the heck were you girls?" All of the boyfriends shouted, well at least some variation of that. They're not that in sync. I wasn't really in the best mood so I muttered under my breath,
"Hiding from all of you in the closet."
I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and rammed my elbow back into Jade for ramming me in the stomach. Only I missed her stomach and hit her arm, the one with the cut on it. She jumped back in shock and pain and almost cried out, but didn't. I appologised profusely. I almost, well pretty much did give us away because everyone asked what was wrong and I had to simply reply that I elbowed a bruise she got from rehearsals this morning, but I knew that she was going to get home and Sam was going to thoroughly inspect her arm, he wasn't the type to just let it go. It was my fault that she was going to get the third degree from her boyfriend, all of us probably were. It was something we couldn't just avoid.
You Owe Me (Little Mix Fanfiction)
FanfictionI woke up with a pounding in my head. For a moment I panicked, not knowing where I was. I was home. How did I get here? I couldn't remember anything from last night. I looked to my right, and there, beside me, was my fiancé, Zayn. I glanced to my l...