Chapter One

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Hey y'all, as most of use are already aware, i'm writing a fan book to the Kidnapped By Cannibals series . Whilst you can read this book alone, I do suggest reading the first three books because not only are they awesome, but Tradition Comes Third in particular, Leah and Jared are mentioned but, the other two before hand give you some background on the families traditions and you won't be too shocked whilst reading 😂😂 also, Jared is a child in them and we see how he became the way he is and how living with people like his family, impacted on him.

All credits go to masonfitzzy as I would not be creating this book if she hadn't of created such an epic series. So thank you. Your work is awesome!

WARNING: involves triggers such as rape and violence. Read at your own risk.

Anyway, I'll stop rambling on. I hope you enjoy this Fan fiction.


" Another one! Why do you keep on doing this to me, Derek?" Leah cried, her voice filled with frustration. Derek's neck was covered in fresh, red marks and a hint of red lipstick catching Leah's eye as she pushed her glasses up her face to take a clearer look.

" Just shut up, would you?"  Derek slurred. "I've just walked through the door." His eyes barely open as he wobbled in front of Leah's angered face.

" Stumbled more like. It's 2:30am and you're just coming home. I can't keep doing this with you. It's not fair on me." Leah dragged her hands through her short, blonde hair. Her ocean-blue eyes filled with tears through her lenses as she viewed the intoxicated state.

Derek chuckled randomly under his breath and pushed passed her, heading towards the bedroom. Leah sighed, a frown worked its way onto her face. As usual, she started crying slightly when she could see he'd left.

Every day. Every night. They were always spent the same for Leah Marshall. She stayed home throughout the entire day. She'd worked as a waitress at Denny's a couple of months back, but as soon as Derek and her moved in together, he'd made her quit. He said he'd seen the way guys looked at her whilst working, but she thought he was overthinking it. Leah loved working there. But now, she was stuck staring at four walls all day long while he got frisky with every girl in town.

Leah didn't have many friends either. She'd had one, her name was Lucy. But, Derek had to ruin that one too and go and sleep with her. Now she was left with nobody, but him.

The apartment constantly smelt like booze and stale cigarettes from his daunting presence. He made Leah feel nauseous, sober or not. Sometimes he truly acted like one complete maniac. But Leah felt she had no other choice but to live with him. Where else would she go? Her parents back in Alaska didn't want her there, so what was the point?

Exactly. There wasn't one.

Leah slid her back down the white washed wall as she tried to stop the tears from flowing down her cheeks. Derek would only come back in and complain she was being too loud. She placed a hand over her mouth to muffle the cries.

She sat on the ground for a while, staring into space and thinking about the life she led. How easily this could of been avoided. How she could of stayed in college and met a nice, handsome boy who didn't spend his entire time at the club.

Kidnapped By Cannibals- Leah MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now