Chapter Twenty-Six

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This is super unedited but you guys are the ones asking for more. Chapters do take a lot longer than usual these days because you are all aware I'm in college. Sorry guys, but you will have to be patient with me :(


Several days- weeks even, had passed by, and there was still no sign of pregnancy from Leah.

The days had started of with Jared rushing over to Leah each morning when he woke up, and each night when he came in. He'd ask her,  "How are you feeling?" Whilst rubbing her back, in which Leah would furrow her eyebrows in confusion and reply, " I'm fine, are you?" Unsure why he was asking such questions so often.

Leah didn't realise that Jared didn't want Leah to feel okay. He wanted her to be suffering like the woman that had a baby in there, so he could know that it had happened.

That he had in fact got her pregnant.

But, the day never came. Leah's skin wasn't glowing like it did during maternity. Her stomach remained flat. No swelling. Nothing at all showed him that she were, and Jared was beginning to grow impatient.

They'd even started having sex twice a day, and naive Leah couldn't understand why he was so eager for it all of a sudden, despite him bringing up children weeks before. She was very gullible at times.

Now, everyone sat at the kitchen table after Lindsay and Leah had just cooked dinner. There was no meat on their plates tonight: just vegetables, mash potatoes and a small bit of gravy. Lindsay had said they were running low on meat, and didn't have enough to feed the whole family. In fact, the farmhouse had barely any food in general, and Jared and Gabriel had planned to go into town first thing tomorrow morning.

The table was quiet. Jared had barely said more than two words to Leah since he came inside, and Leah couldn't understand why, but she didn't want to make a scene at dinner so she kept her mouth shut.

" We should go out and look tonight," Gabriel said, causing the two rows of people to lift their heads up from their may-as-well-be-empty plates and look at him. A perplexed expression appeared on Jared's face, so Gabriel continued. " Before it gets too dark."

Jared ahh'd in realisation, and lifted his glass of water to his lips before replying to his father. " I don't think anybody will be out," Jared told him. "Not in this weather."

Leah didn't have to be a genius to figure out what they were talking about. Hunting. Gabriel was looking at his supper in disgust, and it was clear he wanted something to satisfy his taste buds.

But Jared was right. The weather was terrible. Rain was slashing violently against the kitchen windows, which Leah couldn't see on the glass due to the metal bars stopping her vision from getting that far ahead. Thunder was erupting in their ears, and the trees were swaying so quickly it sounded almost like torture.

Gabriel sighed, leaning back in his chair and throwing his fork against his now empty plate. " Well it darn better hurry and clear up out there," he complained. Gabriel admitted to himself that Jared's statement was true.

" If someone was out there in this weather, they'd come straight here for shelter anyway," Lindsay added, and Gabriel looked over. He didn't say anything for a moment before responding.

" You're right," he side-smirked at her, and she smiled before continuing to eat her food.

Everyone else was done, and Leah and Jared sat there for a few moments, not saying a word to each other. Leah was unsure why he hadn't spoken to her this dinner. It was putting her on edge, contemplating her actions, wondering what she could've done wrong.

Kidnapped By Cannibals- Leah MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now