Chapter Thirteen

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Super long and unedited chapter. Sorry!

#9 in Horror! Omg you guys, I'm so grateful right now. Thank you so much!

It had been several days, and Theo was only getting sicker and sicker. It got to the point where he had to stay in bed, no matter what Gabe thought; his legs literally couldn't move from the mattress, and every time he stood up, he'd stumble back onto the comforter. 

It was bad. Leah was awake most nights listening to Theo barfing- it echoed through the walls and made her stomach curl. At times, she even felt she was going to vomit too.

Leah felt like she was losing her sanity. She tried her hardest to avoid conversation with everyone, including Jared, but tried not to make it so apparent whilst in Gabriel's view. This was odd, considering Leah was suffering from some source of loneliness the day after she'd been allowed back upstairs. However, after seeing what Gabe did to Theo, she realised that she'd rather be trapped in her thoughts than talk to anyone. Or would she?

It's not that Leah felt for Theo, but she empathised with him. Theo was just like his father: mean, evil and ruthless. He didn't care about anyone but himself, and Leah hated him for that. But Gabriel- his own father, had attacked him at his weakest point, and Leah knew that feeling all too well.

When Leah awoke in the morning, Jared was already up and dressed. He had his back turned to her, and appeared to be tying his shoe laces. His hands movement was aggressive, and he used the laces to strangle his trainers. He must been in a bad mood.

Leah just glared at his back for several minutes, pushing her glasses up her face until she accidentally kicked the back of him whilst moving her foot, making him swing his body around to view her. She cursed herself for doing so.

" Hey," he said, but didn't add a smile. His eyes narrowed down at her.

" Hi," Leah replied.

He turned back and tucked his laces in the side of his shoes. He then stood up and grabbed his jacket from the other side of the room.

" Dad and I are going into town today," Jared told Leah. " Theo's staying here, so you need to clean up and help my mom out."

" Okay," she said, playing with the cotton on the bed sheets. She couldn't look to meet his eyes, because she could tell by the sound of his voice that he was pissed off for some unknown reason. It was subtle, but it was there- clearer than ever.

But Leah could feel Jared's eyes locked on her, and she heard his feet shuffle against the ground- she was trying to low-key avoid conversation, but right now, she was making it so evident.

" Come here," he said.

Leah looked up to see his eyebrow had raised as he waited for her to go up to him. Leah threw the comforter from her legs and strolled towards his figure, pulling her nightgown down.

Too Leah's surprise, Jared pulled her into a hug, and Leah felt her body go rigid. Jared's body heat made her feel warm, and it was very unfamiliar to her considering her body's usual reaction. She allowed her fingers to slowly curl into his shoulders, and Leah closed her eyes.

When Jared pulled back, he cupped her cheeks in his hands, and Leah witnessed those dark brown eyes for another time. They were always the same. Full of evilness and horror; like Jared was plotting a murder in his mind. He could show some affection, but Leah already knew what happened backstage, and she could never forget that.

Kidnapped By Cannibals- Leah MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now