Night With the Babies

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Im so sorry!! I have been...busy with somethings and right when I was going to write again I forgot the plot of the story and had this huge writters block. But I'm back now😁. Thanks to those who stayed with me during this whole delay.



Both shiro and pidge woke with a jolt, as they hear the baby boy, Akio, start to cry in the crib right next to them. He was the exact replica of Shiro. The eyes came out being like pidge.

Pidge knowing pretty well, once one starts crying the other will soon follow. So she gets up to feed the infant. Shiro also gets up as he hears the cry of their second child.

Their beautiful little lady, Akira. She looked exactly like her mother except for the eyes. They came out as her dad. Yet, both had the same streak of white hair like their dad. (Lets just say it genetic ^·^).

Shiro helped calm down Akira. While Pidge was feeding Akio.

Pidge pov

Eight month has passed by now. A lot of things happened. Figured I was pregnant with twins. Akira was a surprise but, she is such a sweetheart. The team is really helpfull with taking care of times. Lance and Allura even went to the mall to buy cloths for the infants. Jayd went back to The Blades. Shiro and I got a bigger bedroom for both of us and the babies. We made a play room for them to play. And for safty measures a safe room.

Just in case of an intruder. Then in the bridge they made two small seats with seatbealts. For them to be watched but still safe. We found Matt and Dad!! Unfortunately, dad had to go back to earth. Matt had to go back to the rebels.

2 months after the babies were born. (Lets just say how she found matt and how they discoved of Samuel. Just that the babies stayed with shiro, then with Allura)


"Dad?" Katie aked as she entered his room. "Yes" he looked up from the book he trying to read on his nightstand. "So you know that shiro and I are dating." She said nervously. "Yeah, I agreed to the relationship. Why you asking me this?" He asked worried thinking something wrong happened. She breathed in and let it put a second later opening the door. "Dad I would like to introduce to you your grandchildren." Shiro came in with both kids in his arms. Samuels face went blank for a second before turning to one of joy. He got up from his place to carry the Akio.

"How old are they? What are their names? Colleen is going to be so happy." Shiro decided to answer all the questions he had. "They are 2 months old. The boy is Akio Mathew Holt Shirogane and she is Akira Samuel Holt Shirogane"

Matt already saw them when we found him. He is happy for us. Im happy he accepted this relationship and the kids. He was really excited to be an uncle. Even more than Lance. Pidge laughs at the moment when Matt wouldn't let go of Akira until, she did her duty in her diaper.

Flashback ends

I rocked Akio as he got his belly full and started to fall asleep. "They are beautiful." Shiro whispered. I looked up at him with a smile.

I put Akio inside his crib covering him up and making sure he won't wake up anymore till morning. Once thats done I take Akira from his hands and start to feed her. I sit in the rocking chair tired of standing up. "They are the best things that happened to me in my whole life." I say looking at him. Then Akira makes a fussy sound. I look at her, "Yes you are." I say in a baby voice. "You and ur brother are going to do great things."

Shiro got on the floor next to me looking at how our daughter fell asleep.

Shiro pov

"Yeah. They are." I said smiling just as Akira fell asleep.

They are all I ever ask for. I thought as I watched them sleep. I may not remember of much in my time on earth but I'm glad I met Katie.

Katie got off the rocking chair to let the baby sleep in peace, in her crib. I got up walked behind her and put my arms around her waist as we both looked at them sleep peacefully.

"What do you think your mom will say when she sees these little bundle of joy." I whispered in her ear. She looked up at me. "I honestly don't know. Surprised. Joyful. Glad. Mad. Confused." She then gave me smirk as we both got in our bed to rest up the last 2 hours of sleep. "I'm just glad that we are - together and safe. " She yawned. I smiled pulling her close.

I waited for her to fall asleep, "And I'm never letting you go." Soon after I also drift off.


2 weeks later (at the bridge)

"Paladins, good news" Allura said as they were doing their morning routine. "We are close to your solar system. So we can stop by earth."

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