Chapter 23

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"Mac, I..." Jessica sighed. I hated when she made that sound. It makes me feel inadequate. "It's all just so overwhelming." I kept quiet as Jessica took a moment before continuing. "With everything that's happened until now.. I don't know. I'm scared Mac."

"I know and so am I, but.." I muttered. I turned Jessica to face me. "When this is all over, we're leaving this place." My hands rested on her shoulders. "We're going home and.. Forget all about what happened here. We get on with our lives, together." A small smile tugged on her lips. "Yeah, you heard me, together."

"I wouldn't want it any other way." Jessica smiled and pressed herself into me. "Thank you."

"For what?" I quizzed.

"For being worried, trying to make me feel better." She answered into my shoulder.

"Trying? So does that mean I didn't succeed?" I asked with a hint of playfulness. Jessica groaned and pushed my shoulder. "Hey." I lifted her chin up and took a long moment to gaze into her eyes. "Nothing will take me away from you." I caressed her cheek and swiped a thumb over her soft lips. "I promise."

Jessica's hands found their way behind my neck, pulling me against her. Our lips moulded together perfectly and we both smiled into the kiss. It was soft and gentle, filled with promise. It was confirmation to my words, that nothing could take me away, that no matter what, I would make my way back to her and that when this whole thing is over, we're going home, together. I pecked her lips twice before pulling away. Jessica's hand slid into mine and we walked back out to join the others.

The rest of the day went by in a flash. After making a thorough rotation schedule for patrol around the house I spent most of the day with Melanie. When dinner was done, Melanie was so exhausted that I tugged her in early. Beta Jeff was to my great displeasure waiting in the living room when I arrived. I tried to avoid him by ignoring him and joining Luke and Jessica on the couch.

"Shut up Luke." Jessica said smilingly. A slight blush was covering her cheeks.

"No, I'm serious. It going to happen, just wait and see." Luke smirked and eyed me. I wrapped an arm around Jessica and kissed her cheek.

"What are we talking about?" I asked and averted my eyes between the two of them.

"Nothing." Jessica said nervously, making Luke laugh. I shook my head, grinning at them.

"Mac, are you going to stay after all this?" Luke asked while looking at Jessica with a smirk. My grin faltered into a small smile.

"I uhm.." I sighed. "No Luke, this isn't my home anymore." I looked to Jessica who had turned a darker shade of red and squeezed her. "I'm hoping to get a fresh start. To try something new."

"So who's moving in with who?" Luke grinned. My eyes went wide and snapped back to him. "Come on, it's going to happen." Jessica covered her face in her hands while I tried to think of something to say. Luke just sat there grinning widely.

"A-Alpha, can I ha-have a word?" Jeff's voice sounded behind me. I let out a sigh of relief, happy to be saved from answering. "Alone?"

"Whatever you have to say, you can say it here." I growled and pointed to the chair opposite from me.

Jeff sighed and took slow steps over to the chair. He sat down and watched all of us nervously, opening and closing his mouth several times before finally finding his words. I moved my arm from Jessica and held her hand instead. My body tensed when words left his lips.

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