Chapter 27

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This is it. This is the final moment of truth. This is where I stand with the pack, with my family. We used the house for covering our backs, to make sure we couldn't be surrounded. That however, also meant there was no running away. The moon stood high on the sky, mere moments away from starting to turn. Adaus held my gaze sternly, there was nothing there except coldness. A shiver ran down my spine as his eyes bore into mine. We were all ready for the inevitable, waiting for like seemed forever for the moon to shift. My whole pack was on edge, prepared and ready, teeth bared and claws emerged. Adaus stood on second row and he was the only one who hadn't shifted. The rest was all ready in wolf form, impatiently waiting. A sudden shift in the wind made everyone go quiet and all eyes was on the moon.

I didn't have to look to know the blood moon was emerging. I fell to my knees, screaming out in pain as my bones started shifting, ligaments was popping loudly, the taste of blood flooded my mouth, followed by actual blood gushing from my mouth. I had no control over what was happening but for some reason I wasn't scared at all. Confidence was bubbling in my chest, coursing through my veins. When I got to my feet I realized I was looking more down at the wolves in front of me. When my hand found my canines I started chuckling.

Not only had I grown a few sizes but my canines had grown too, touching down past my chin and my claws was longer, razor sharp. I had taken a more primal, ancient look and I was digging it. I opened my mouth to let out a howl but I was surprised when it was a roaring growl, like I lion had come and seized my vocal cords. The power behind it, it's unexplainable.

The first row of wolves came at us. I swung my much improved claws, striking three of them across their faces, flinging them away. Adaus watched me in horror as he took a few steps back, letting the next few rows of wolves step up. All hell broke out and sneering, growling wolves pinned us back. One after the other, they came at me but I was that much faster and that much stronger. My claws sunk into the throat of the first, ripping out the trachea before he could do anything. The next was closer but I twisted around her, throwing an arm over her neck while my hands tore off her jaw.

A scream pierced my ears to right of me, and my eyes found Max lying on his back with two snapping wolves on top of him. I sprinted away, leaving my position open for anyone to enter. The lion that was stationed in my throat let out another blood curling roar as I slammed into the one wolf with my shoulder, gripping the other tightly as my claws sunk down around his spine. He howled in pain and agony as his voice entered my head, pleading me not to kill him. His words was futile, not holding any meaning to me as I started yanking my hands back, still holding firmly around his spine. His lifeless body slumped to ground as his spine was ripped from his back. Max thanked me in silence while he leapt to his feet to take care of the other wolf that was on him.

My eyes found my position, only to see that I was filled with foreign wolves. I sprinted, setting of for a high jump and landed right on the back of a black and grey wolf, her body crushed under me while swinging my claws swiftly towards those who now was surrounding me. I cut two of them deeply across their neck and faces but the last one evaded me, biting into my thigh. A roar rumbled in my throat while my claws shredded his face, leaving his body limb next to me. The pain throbbing in my thigh was worse than normal, making me realize that there was nothing inside me that was healing it. In my moment of realization another wolf sunk her teeth into my shoulder. I grabbed her by the neck, ripping her off me while her teeth shredded through my skin and flesh.

After snapping her neck, I clutched my shoulder. Blood was gushing out and pain soared in every nerve. I gritted my teeth, sucking up the pain and moved forward. Adaus had moved even further away from me, shock and surprise fully exposed on his face. Without noticing a wolf had circled me, sharp teeth connecting with bone in my shin. My body twisted from the pain and I plunged my claws into the back of his head, penetrating his skull and brain. Catching me off guard, two wolves pinned me to the ground. A roar of pain left me as one of them had their teeth solid planted in my already open wound in my shoulder while the other began shredding my arm. A faint howl sounded in the distance.

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