Chapter 29

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Being a wolf has its perks. Strength, speed, improved senses, even shifting has its advantages but I don't miss it. Of course I wouldn't mind the scars to disappear but today I've accepted they're a part of me. For a long while after we got back my insecurities was all over the place, making me withdraw from the world. Jessica helped me tremendously during my hardships, doing all she could to make me feel better about myself. I honestly love her more for every day that passes and without her I'm not even sure I would be here today.

Jessica and I moved in together when we came back. Since she had the bigger apartment it only made sense that I moved in there together with Melanie. I kept my own apartment though, so my family would have somewhere to stay when they come and visit. It's still a little weird to have them come visiting but I think that I'm getting used to it. Maybe. Okay not really but I'll get there.

After being locked up in the apartment for almost a year, I think I'm ready to get back out. I'm still a little insecure because of my scarred skin but Jessica tells me every day how beautiful she thinks I am. She showers me in love and affection every second of the day and I'm very sure the words 'I love you' is being violently abused. I love it though, it helps me cope but in all honesty it's time for me to stop thinking about what everyone else would say, since the only opinion that really matters to me is Jessica's.

That's really why I'm standing nervously in front of the mirror right now. Ready to go back out into the world. That's not what scares me though, meeting Jessica's friends is. I'm doing this for both of us, even if I am about to throw up, this is will be good for me, right? I told Jessica to go on ahead, have dinner with them and hang out. It wasn't easy to talk her into it but I succeeded in the end. I needed to calm my nerves before going there, to see them. All of them know me by reputation but not one of them believes that she 'tamed the beast' as he friend Joseph called me. Jayden and Felicia think she's full of bull since we haven't officially been introduced yet but that's going to change tonight.

I wore some dark blue denims and a simple black tee with a image of a wolf howling at the moon together with my black vans. My old leather jacket fitted perfectly over my shoulders, giving me the same old comfort as it used to. Glancing a final time in the mirror I sucked in a deep breath, ready to go out amongst the living.

I regret not having Jessica by my side. The closer I get, the more insecure I became. I needed some reassurance, someone to tell me that everything was going to be alright.

'How are my girls?' I texted to Tina. I walked a little further when I heard a small chirp from my phone.

'We're good, I just tucked her in. You okay?'

'No, I feel like throwing up and I'm really starting to regret this.' I replied just as I stopped at The House. Nervously I started pacing.

'You promised her you would go Mac, so there's no backing out.' Tina answered. I know she's right. Jessica haven't asked anything from me since we got back and meeting her friends was actually my idea. She looked so amazingly happy at my suggestion and not going would only hurt her.

'Listen Mac. You're gonna go in there and find your beautiful and loving girlfriend, meet her friends and have an amazing night.' She texted.

'I'm going. I'll see you and my princess tomorrow.' I shot back. I inhaled a deep breath and walked through the door.

I took a quick glance around but I couldn't find Jessica anywhere. Tucking my chin in hid my face a little as I found my way to the bar and ordered a beer. Fortunately for me, the bartender didn't even look at me. I dropped a bill on the bar and sipped my beer when a familiar laugh was caught in my ears. My heart immediately started beating hard against my chest, partially from hearing Jessica's laughter but also from nervousness. My feet felt like cement and every step was a struggle. Sweat started to form on my forehead, my hands became clammy an my breathing shallow.

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