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Nick's POV

Recording. Shooting. Fighting. It's an endless, draining cycle. What comforts me is knowing it's all for a cause.

Feeling like Miley's not on my side is terrifying to me. Like I could free fall any second and get myself into a big unredeemable mess, the worst part is starting to think she has a point. I'm not even on my side. Even though the air between me and Miley is awkward and fragile--almost feeble--we need to put a front for the show and act like a happily engaged civilized couple. It was fine for some time, but the producers sense these things like sharks sense blood. They want to use it to their advantage.

Miley's across from me in the make up room, the director was spewing madness and Miley looked the least bit pleased, but not surprised.

"We want you to act out on your unresolved issue." The director told us, glancing at me and Miley hopefully.

"Kay, what's the story?" I asked.

"Well, you tell me." The director replied "What's causing you two to be acting like children?"

I eyed Miley, she looked calm...so suspiciously calm. "There's nothing going on." I denied.

Miley cleared her throat "He thinks the wedding's too soon."

I didn't want to lose my cool in front of these people, so I just forced a smile. "Did I?" I urged.

"Yes," Miley said "In fact...he doesn't want a wedding at all."

Rage boiled, I looked at the director whose eyes lit up like dollar signs. "You know that's not true." I denied.

"Well, if it's not then it's still an interesting story. We can use it." The director thought aloud. I shook my head in disapproval "No. We're not going to fake a fight about it for the show."

"Oh, boo..." Miley shook her head "I was really looking forward to your scripted argument."

I shot her a look, signaling her a 'Can we talk about this somewhere else?'. "We're not using it for the show." I gritted my teeth "And that's final."

"Well, I think it could be a great idea." Miley hissed back. I clenched my jaw "Can I talk to you for a second?" I asked and she shrugged and got up, we left the room leaving the director in probably a big brainstorm boner.

"What gives, Miley?" I demanded "You're siding them now?"

"Well, no." She said innocently with a pout "I thought that since you're actually not unsure about the wedding and still want to marry me in 6 months like you said we could use this little misunderstanding for the show."

"We agreed not to give anything personal or real." I pointed out.

"I know? That's why it works. You actually want a wedding. Let's make TV you don't. You were so serious when you said there's nothing going on between us and that you still want a wedding and that you're not scared of commitment!" She said, full of sarcasm. And I understood...she's angry, and want payback.

"You're mad at me. I get it." I said, fiercely. She can fight me for calling her out, I know she hates it "But you're not thinking straight. It's always like that, when you're angry you go into this emotional spiral of vendetta where you don't care about anything except getting revenge. No matter what it takes!"

"Wow that's cute, Nick. Let's put that in the show. Matter of fact, let's put everything in the show!"

"Oh my God!...Miley!" I raised my voice involuntarily and then got quiet again "Can you not take your anger out on this?!"

"Hmm, you're right. I have unhealthy coping mechanism...you know what? That sounds like a good idea for the show instead of finding a solution like, say getting me treated...let's put it on the goddam show!"

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